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他在乡下过着悠然的日子。He lives a carefree life in the country.

在彩虹之上的某个地方,青鸟悠然飞翔。Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly.

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他吹着口哨,悠然地沿着街道漫步。He whistled as he sauntered along the street.

采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。Picking a chrysanthemum, see carefreely South hill.

在一个愉快学习的课堂上有一种令人悠然陶醉的感觉。There's sort of buzz in a happy, learning classroom.

她将赋予您馥郁的芬芳令人悠然上神往。Its fragrant scent will give you unlimited imagination.

这些云悲哀地悠然舒卷着,无声地胀大,又融合。Mournfully slowly they roll, silently swelling and mixing.

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青鸟悠然的越过了彩虹,那么,我怎么不能呢?Bule birds fly over the rainbow, why then , oh why can't I?

身处其中,悠然自在,神游万里而至物我两忘之境界。That is the all forgotten ambit of your leisureliness in it.

新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。The New Year bell rang, and with all my wishes, in your side.

采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。Picking chrysanthemums Dongli, the leisurely southern mountains.

当我把呱呱坠地的婴儿抱在手臂里,这种感受同样悠然而生。I have also experienced it as I held in my arms a just-born baby.

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中午,大雨过后,野鸽悠然地在平台的一片水漥上洗澡、歇息。Noon, after rain, a few Feral Pigeons take bath in shallow water.

悠然岁月的丝缕,无论好坏,默默珍惜。Leisurely years of silk thread, whether good or bad, cherish silently.

他悠然的看向远方,像是看到了另一个世界那样遥远。He leisurely look into the distance, as is seen in a world so far away.

那是悠然绵长的如青橄榄似的咀嚼不尽。It is leisurely and long-lasting, such as green olives like chewing endless.

稚嫩的童年,憧憬的色彩斑斓,希望的曲调悠然!Young and tender childhood has colourful yearnings and carefree tune of hope.

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戏中的人一会儿宁静,一会儿热烈,跳进跳出,悠然自在。Show the person he quiet, while warm, jumped out, carefree and leisurely ease.

笑着面对生活,始终不抱怨。悠然,随心,随性,随缘。Smile in the face of life, always do not complain. Leisurely, heart, casual, revel.

在一个愉快学习的课堂上有一种令人悠然陶醉的感觉。Has the feeling in a happy study classroom which one kind easely is infatuated with.