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酒体丰满,勾勒出洋李与黑樱桃的果味。Medium to full bodied, showing fruit characters of plums and dark cherries.

褚慎明靠着三四十封这类回信,吓倒了无数人,有位爱才的阔官僚花一万金送他出洋。With some thirty or forty of these replies, Ch'u Shen-ming had awed innumerable people.

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雷夫,虽然已经结了婚,有了一个孩子,还是决定陪我出洋。Ralph, though married, and having one child, had determined to accompany me in this voyage.

清中叶以降,大量的闽粤移民出洋。From the mid-Ching onwards, large numbers of emigrants went abroad from Fujian and Guangdong.

宝石红色酒体,散发出洋李和樱桃果香,伴有丝丝橡木的芬芳。Ruby red color. On the nose, plum and cherry fruitiness with slight oak spices in the background.

周恩来年轻的时候曾为一位准备出洋留学的同窗写过一首送别诗。When he was a very young man, Zhou Enlai wrote a poem for a schoolmate who was leaving to study abroad.

我决定不再起出洋的念头,听从父亲的话,守在家里。And I resolved not to think of going abroad any more, but to settle at home according to my father's desire.

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此酒散发出洋李和黑莓的醇熟芳香,伴有淡淡的橡木香及些许肉桂与多香果的芬芳。Dark ripe fruit aromas of plum and blackberry. Integrated subtle oak flavors, yielding a hint of cinnamon and allspice.

这个藕紫色蟒蛇皮的花花包,似乎和这件洋装是天生一对,完全的带出洋装上的印花颜色。This purple purse with its large flower seemed a match made in heaven for this floral printed dress speckled with purple.

他出洋时,为方便起见,不的不戴眼镜,对女人的态度逐渐改变。When Ch'u went abroad, for the sake of convenience, he had to wear glasses, and so it happened that his attitude toward women gradually changed.

“五大臣出洋”正式拉开了清末预备立宪的序幕,当时的舆论是如何看待这一轰动事件的呢?"Five Ministers Being Abroad" formally opened the prologue of preparing constitutionalism. How did the public opinion treat this resounding event?

这也显示出洋基对球迷的忠程度,让每场球赛都是卖光光或几乎满座,挂念著球队以及信任球队。It also shows the fantastic loyalty of our great Yankee fans who've made every game a sell-out or near sell-out, hanging in and believing in the team.

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第二次鸦片战争爆发后,列强将招工出洋合法化权利从广州一口扩展到了各通商口岸,由此对中国近代社会产生了巨大的影响。By making use of the Second Opium War, the Big Power legalized this policy and spread it from Guangzhou to every other commercial and trading ports in China.

由于男性出洋谋生,女性对乡村社会市场的发育及其家庭生活的稳定做出了显著贡献。As most adult males went overseas to make a living, the females left behind contributed remarkably to the growth of the rural market and the stability of family life.

清末五大臣对欧美、日本进行政治考察是1905年发生的两件大事之一。五大臣出洋政治考察在晚清十年的“新政”和立宪运动中是一个承前启后的中介。The political inspection in Europe, America and Japan conducted by five important officials at the end of the Qing Dynasty is one of the two important issues in 1905.

宝石红色酒体,散发出洋李和樱桃果香,伴有丝丝橡木的芬芳。此酒十分平衡,果香馥郁,单宁柔润,回味持久。Ruby red col . On the nose, plum cherry fruitiness with slight oak spices in the background. Well balanced, rich fruit flavours with soft tannins a lingering aftertaste.

关于近期旅行安排,有百分之五十以上的人体现会待在家里,而百分之四十九的人表示会在海内或者出洋旅行。With regard to the recent travel plans, there are more than 50 percent of people said they would stay at home, while 49 percent said they would be at home or travel abroad.

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宝石红色酒体,散发出洋李和樱桃果香,伴有丝丝橡木的芬芳。此酒十分平衡,果香馥郁,单宁柔润,回味持久。Ruby red color. On the nose, plum and cherry fruitiness with slight oak spices in the background. Well balanced, rich fruit flavours with soft tannins and a lingering aftertaste.

而能够对中国传统文学进行现代性转换的无疑是中国近现代留学生群体,尤其是辛亥革命前后负笈出洋的留学生们。And without doubt, it is the Chinese students abroad in modern times , especially after the 1911 Revolution, that can transform the traditional Chinese literature into a modern one.