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烧蓝的炉温一般在600度以上。Temperature for enamel-firing is usually above 600 centigrade.

本文介绍一个典型的炉温微机控制系统。This paper introduces a typical system foe furnace temperature control.

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炉膛采用新型耐火纤维材料,真空成型,炉丝镶嵌在炉膛内壁炉温均匀,升温快。The hearth is formed into a vacuum using new type refractory fiber material.

炉温不得超过最高工作温度1350℃。The furnace temperature must not exceed the highest working temperature 1350℃.

详细说明炉温数据的收集原则和分组情况。The collecting fundamental of furnace temperature data and grouping situation are expounded.

本文设计的是坩埚熔化电阻炉温度自动控制系统。What this text design is a automatic control in temperature in melting in resistance system.

讨论了不同的炉温下,在还原性气氛的条件下的结焦现象。The coke phenomena have been discussed in the reductive atmosphere on different temperatures.

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由于电阻炉炉温系统是一个纯滞后大惯性环节,其参数整定与常规对象有所不同。The parameter design of this system is different from other objects because of its long time delay.

通过对电锅炉温升特点的分析,建立了模糊控制规则表。The fuzzy control theory is studied and the electric boiler fuzzy controller structure is determined.

使发射达到最大值的最佳缓冲气压随热管炉温度的增加而增加。The optimum buffer gas pressure for LIF emission increases with the temperature of the heat pipe oven.

分析了均热室炉温对带钢均热质量的影响。The influence of furnace temperature on the soaking quality of strip is analysed for the soaking chamber.

本文主要讨论了以可编程控制器为核心的箱式热处理炉温度控制系统的设计。This paper is mainly discuss the design about PLC temperature control system of box heat-treatment furnace.

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介绍了陶瓷磨具工艺试验炉温度控制系统的设计方法。A temperature control system of technology testing furnace for vitrified abrasive tools was designed in this paper.

利用智能温度控制器,改造了真空烧结炉温度控制系统。In the temperature control system recreation of the vacuum sintering furnace, a advanced temperature controller was used.

介绍了计算机在热处理中的炉温控制、气氛控制、特性曲线的测定等方面的应用。It introduces some computer systems in heat treatment fields such as gas controlling? controlling of furnace temperature.

在提出炉温控制方案的基础上,对炉温控制系统进行了硬件设计和温度控制程序的设计。Base on the scheme of temperature control system in this paper, hardware system and temperature control program are designed.

并根据当前过程状态引入灰色模型预转窑分解炉温控系统的实际应用表明该方法具有良好的控制性能和实用价值。Application on decomposing furnace temperature system of cement rotary kiln both prove the efficiency of the proposed methods.

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文中针对不同钢种,尤其是特种钢进行仿真计算,得出了各自的最佳炉温设定曲线,并获得了满意的效果。And carries out the simulation research calculations for various steel, especially for the special steel with satisfied results.

仿真研究表明,所提出的炉温优化策略能较大地提高钢坯的加热质量。Moreover, simulations further show that the optimal setting of furnace temperature can greatly improve the billets' heat quality.

本文介绍了一种以数字信号处理器DSP为核心的电阻炉温度控制系统。This text introduced a kind of with digital signal processor DSP for core of electric resistance furnace temperature control system.