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其它掺杂剂也在研究中。Other dopants have also been studied.

生活中的欢乐总是掺杂着悲哀的。Life's joy is ever dashed with sorrow.

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绿色的石体里掺杂着红色的斑点,是块鸡血石。Green with red irregular spots, a bloodstone.

只告诉他们事实而不要掺杂主观评论意见。Just give them the facts without editorializing.

这种催化剂是用掺杂氮的氧化钛纤维制成的网格。titanium oxide fibres impregnated with nitrogen.

检测扩散结深和掺杂浓度。Test the junction depth and doping concentrations.

也不可用两样掺杂的料做衣服穿在身上。Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

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用氯化碘掺杂的BBL膜也进行了对照研究。The BBL film doped by ICl was also studied as a contrast.

不告知买主就对食物掺杂是犯罪。It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer.

翻译过程中不许掺杂译者的个人观点在内。Counseling or interjecting personal opinion is never permitted.

它同样计划构造一个无掺杂隧道的平面晶体管。It, too, plans to build flat transistors with undoped channels.

在酒中掺杂酒精引起了公众的注意。The adulteration of alcohol in the wine rouse public attention.

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在酒中掺杂酒精惹起了公家的留意。The adulteration of alcohol in the wine rouse public attention.

两绝缘区沉积于此两P-掺杂区上。Two insulator regions are deposited over the two P- doped regions.

采用大体积的掺杂离子能增加保护时间。Large size dopant could prolong the protection time of the coating.

尽量坦率而直接的回答问题,避免掺杂过多情感。Answer them candidly and matter-of- factly, avoiding sentimentality.

铒掺杂氧化锌已经由气相转换的过程制备。Erbium doped ZnO has been prepared by vapor-phase transport process.

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介绍了二氧化钛非金属氮掺杂改性的研究进展。The recent progress in research on nitrogen- doped TiO2 is reviewed.

综述了近年来共掺杂二氧化钛光催化剂的研究进展。The recent progresses of codoped titania photocatalyst are reviewed.

反式聚乙炔在重掺杂时会出现孤子晶格,在能隙中央形成孤子能带。Because soliton lattice should be emerged in trans polyacetylene whe.