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服用阿司匹林会引起胃溃疡,这我们都知道。Aspirin causes stomach ulcers.

她常遭受胃溃疡之苦。She often suffers from stomach ulcer.

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但如果你患的是胃溃疡或胃炎,就不能用这招了。Don’t use if you have an ulcer or gastritis.

事实上,它已经加重了他的胃溃疡。In fact, it had exacerbated his stomach ulcer.

像胃溃疡、肠溃疡就有危险了。Like gastric ulcer, Changhuiyang would be in danger.

病理结果也进一步证实抗胃溃疡作用。The anti-ulcer effect was further confirmed histologically.

如果您患有胃溃疡或者其它胃病,请您不要服用本药。Do not take if you have a stomach ulcer or other stomach disorders.

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胃溃疡应该作活检排除恶性。However, all gastric ulcers should be biopsied to rule out a malignancy.

目的研究金果榄对胃溃疡的作用和作用机制。Objective To study the effect and mechanism of jinguolan on gastric ulcer.

方法采用冰醋酸烧灼法制备大鼠胃溃疡模型。MethodsThe model rats with gastric ulcer were prepared by glacial acetic acid.

目的合成治疗胃溃疡及慢性胃炎的药物索法酮。OBJECTIVE To synthesize sofalcone with anti-ulcer and anti-gastritis activity.

现在病人在接受胃溃疡治疗时,医生都会建议他们做一个幽门螺旋杆菌和抗生素的测试。An H. pylori test and antibiotics are now the recommended treatment for ulcers.

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目的研究路边菊水煎液抗实验性胃溃疡的作用。ObjectiveTo study the effect of water-decocted solution from Boltonia indica L.

目的观察苯妥英钠对大鼠实验性胃溃疡的保护作用。Objective To observe the protective effect of PHT on experimental gastric ulcer.

胃溃疡X线表现为龛影,黏膜改变,胃窦痉挛、狭窄及排空延迟。The clinical and X-ray findings of peptic ulcer in these children were analyzed.

就算是现在我也会碰到一些病人,他们觉得自己的胃溃疡是由压力引起的。Even now I see people who've got ulcers, and they think they're caused by stress.

或者,草甘膦能否通过增加胃酸的生产导致胃溃疡?Or, could glyphosate contribute to stomach ulcers through increased acid production?

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现在,胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡可以通过服用抗生素和减少胃酸产生的药物来治疗。Now they are treated with antibiotics and a drug that reduces stomach-acid production.

胃酸过多易导致烧心、反酸、胃溃疡等。Hyperchlorhydria may cause heartburn, regurgitation of gastric acid and gastric ulcers.

目的研究甘草酸铋钾对胃溃疡的影响。Object To study the effect of bismuth potassium glycyrrhizate on gastric ulcers in rat.