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他的音容笑貌依然萦绕我们的耳际。His happy laughter still rings in our ears.

我们记得他们的音容笑貌,他们的歌声,他们的梦想。We knew their smiles, their songs, their dreams.

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他的音容笑貌永远印刻在我记忆深处。His voice and expressions would always be deeply engraved in my heart.

我依旧记得你的音容笑貌,你的歌声和关于你的一切。I still remember your smiles, your voice, your singing and all about you.

追忆母亲的音容笑貌,我们怎么能不痛心疾首呢?Recalling mother's face and smile how we could not feel distressed and bitter?

当我回忆死者在世时的音容笑貌时,不禁泪流满面。Tears stream down my cheeks when I recall the look of the deceased while in life.

当我回忆死者在世时的音容笑貌时,不禁泪流满面。Teats stream down my cheeks when I recall the look of the deceased while in life.

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停产4年后,GT的“音容笑貌”仍旧牵动我心。Four years after production stopped, the sight and sound of the GT is still breathtaking.

我感觉得到奶奶的音容笑貌无处不在,这种感觉是常有的。I've a feeling that my grandma's face and smiling always around me and it appears frequently.

尽管父亲已经去世多年,但他的音容笑貌依然在她眼前浮现。Though years have passed since her father's death, his smiles still keep surging in her head.

我感觉得到奶奶的音容笑貌无处不在,这种感觉是常有的。I felt that grandma's voice and smiling face is here and there. This feeling always happens to me.

虽然她已经不在世了,但我仍能忆起她的音容笑貌。I see her face again though she is no longer with us. I even hear her voice, and recall her smile.

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我对于她的音容笑貌都很熟悉,视乎我一天也没有和她离开过一样。His laugh, his voice and his gesture, were all as familiar to me as if we had not parted even one day.

模仿灵鬼的音容笑貌,舞袖翩翻,技巧很高。They were imitating the look and actions of some spirits with floating long sleeves with superb skills.

有些人还会记得火光冲天的景象,记得感人的救援故事,还有些人会将那些业已消失的音容笑貌留在记忆里。Some will remember an image of fire, or a story of rescue. Some will carry memories of a face and a voice gone forever. I.

但是每次想起还是会泪水盈盈,但是就算伤病的创伤愈合了,他的音容笑貌还是会留在我们心底,但这也是我们记住那些逝去的人的方法。And there are alot of tears. But once the trauma of the illness has passed the memory of the person in his full glory remains.

与此同时,扶桑的救命恩人,来自于加州富裕之家的年轻小子克里斯,为其倾倒,扶桑的音容笑貌让他魂牵梦萦。She becomes enamoured by the young son of a wealthy Californian, who saves her from dying, and is forever haunted by her face.

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抗议者立起一块电影屏,用来播放罗森博格的最后证词,这样他的音容笑貌就在人群上空浮现。Protesters erected a movie screen and broadcast Rosenberg's final testimony, so that his body and voice floated over the crowd.

抗议者立起一块电影屏,用来播放罗森博格的最后证词,这样他的音容笑貌就在人群上空浮现。Protesters erected a movie screen and broadcast Rosenberg’s final testimony, so that his body and voice floated over the crowd.

试想此后千百个午夜梦徊之际,王生还会不会抱着身边的佩蓉,而幻想着小唯的音容笑貌?Since then, imagine thousands midnight dream further, with Wang will not be around Pei Rong, and a fantasy only a small voice and smiling face?