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告诉宾客们将如何使用在婚礼上收到的礼金会促使人们更愿意慷慨解囊。Telling guests what the money is for can encourage more giving.

我们不能再继续下去而不送的礼金,以支付更多的护理人员。We cannot continue without gifts of money to pay for more nursing staff.

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结帐时,在专卖店收银员的协助下使用乐友礼金卡。Present your Leyou Gift Card at checkout, and enter your passcode by yourself.

女儿萨拉出生时,他们还从政府那里得到了额外的礼金。They also received an additional monetary gift from the state when their daughter Sarah was born.

另有消息指出,这位前总统千金的未婚夫梅兹文斯基是一名犹太人,根据传统,他将以20头牛和40头山羊作为礼金送给切尔西。Another source said that Mezvinsky is a Jew, and according to tradition, he will send 20 cows and 40 goats as gifts to Chelsea.

一次“喜宴”就要送上至少100元礼金,有些学生每月为庆祝朋友恋爱成功的花销竟达数百元。The cash gift is RMB100 on average for each banquet, thus some students have to pay hundreds of yuan each month for such occasions.

针对处方药越开越贵的情况,越来越多的批评人士将矛头直指收受礼品礼金的医生。Critics have increasingly focused on gifts and payments to physicians as a primary cost driver of rising prescription-drug spending.

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至于结婚礼金,申雪赵宏博取消了签到送红包环节,说这场盛大的婚礼已经让他们受宠若惊。As for gifts, Zhao and Shen have skipped the bridal registries, saying they already have their hands full with their massive wedding.

但由于不久就面临支付他上大学的费用,我禁不住想,如果他用自己收到的毕业礼金买那个就好了。But with college expenses looming, I couldn't help thinking that it would be really nice if he used his graduation cash for that instead.

礼金的大量应用使得随礼现象的经济层面的意义越来越多地受到了人们的重视。More and more attention has been paid to the economical significance of the phenomenon of "Suili" along with the using of "Cash as giving".

而竞争似乎还引发了彩礼和聘礼金额的大幅攀升,甚至在天津这样的大城市也出现了礼金价码升高的情况。It also appears to have caused a sharp spike in bride prices and betrothal gifts. The higher prices are even found in big cities such as Tianjin.

这在很久以前可能很有道理,因为这让你不用付给新娘父母礼金,也用不着每年陪他们在感恩节共进晚餐了。Long ago this probably made a lot sense, as it helped you avoid buying the bride off the parents or having Thanksgiving dinner with them every year.

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因为金星本月位于您的第三宫,因此兄弟姐妹、叔伯姨姑或者其他家庭成员也许会借钱给您,甚至直接给您一份礼金。A sibling, aunt, uncle, or other family member, may be able to help you with a loan or outright cash gift, thanks to the position of Venus this month in your third house.

有错误的交易您是可以终止付款。有关礼金卡错误交易等详情,请参阅华美银行预付礼金卡持卡者同意说明书。You have the opportunity to dispute errors. Please review the East West Bank Prepaid Gift Card Agreement and User Guide for instructions on the process for error resolution.