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一个和尚试图从中劝和。A monk tries to settle their dispute.

决定派谴女儿如意公主去李渊府上劝和。Decided to go to the task daughter princess LiYuan round mediate.

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中方希望其他各方也多做劝和促谈工作。China hopes all other parties do more to encourage and facilitate talks for peace.

各方都进行了劝和和促谈工作,中方作了那些努力?All parties have done their jobs conducive to peace and talks. And what did China do?

关于达尔富尔问题,我们的立场是劝和促谈。On the issue of Darfur, our position has always been to promote a dialogue and peace talks.

苏可又成功劝和了一对冲动想离婚的夫妻。Sue can be successful and make peace with a pair of impulse to want to divorce husband and wife.

鉴此,中国领导人和中国政府为劝和促谈作出了不懈努力。The Chinese leaders and government, thus far, made unremitting efforts to promote the peace talks.

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他说,中方的作用主要就是劝和促谈,为此我们作出了一系列努力。China's role is conducive to peace and talks, and we have made a series of efforts to achieve that.

近一段时间以来,中方通过各种途径向各方做了劝和促谈的工作。In recent months, China has been working on relevant parties for peace talks through various means.

总的来说,中国将会继续进行积极的劝和促谈努力。Generally speaking, China will continue its efforts to promote the peace talks through good offices.

俄罗斯、韩国和日本在阐述自己立场的同时,也分别作了大量劝和工作。While elaborating on their respective positions, Russia, the ROK and Japan did a lot to promote peace.

对亚洲地区存在的一些矛盾和争端,中国积极劝和促谈,倡导团结合作精神。China has actively promoted peace talks and advocated the spirit of solidarity to handle certain disputes in Asia.

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作为这两国的近邻中国在印巴争端,特别是在克什米尔问题上,一贯采取劝和的态度,和为贵。As a close neighbor to both Pakistan and India, we always adopt the policy of advising and encouraging peace to both parties.

中国一直致力于劝和促谈,积极做有关各方工作。China has been dedicated to promoting dialogue and negotiation, and has actively engaged with relevant parties to promote non-proliferation.

翟还介绍了中方同利冲突双方接触、劝和促谈,以及为缓解利人道主义局势提供援助的有关情况。He also introduced China's contacts with the conflicting parties of Libya, efforts of promoting peace there and delivery of humanitarian assistances.

我们注意到,最近围绕伊核问题的外交努力十分活跃,俄罗斯与伊朗已就俄提出的解决方案进行了多轮谈判,欧盟三国与伊朗最近也举行了部长级会谈,一些不结盟国家在积极斡旋,中国也一直以自己的方式在不同层次与各方保持接触,劝和促谈。Russia and Iran have conducted several rounds of negotiation over the Russia proposal. The EU-three have also held recently ministerial talks with Iran.

中国发挥的作用是劝和促谈,使巴以人民都能够在和平的条件下生活和发展。The role China plays is promoting peace and facilitating talks in a bid to enable the Palestinian and Israeli people to live and develop in a peaceful environment.

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中方一直积极劝和促谈,努力为缓和半岛紧张局势、维护半岛和平稳定发挥独特作用。China has been working hard to promote peace through dialogue and has played a unique role in easing tension and maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

中方将本着客观、公正的立场,继续积极劝和促谈,为实现东北亚地区持久和平做出不懈努力。China will take an objective and just position, continue to contribute to building peace and dialogues and make unremitting efforts to realize the lasting peace in Northeast Asia.

就在这时,他对劝和一种特殊的哨子Kiouni前进,福格先生拦住了他,并把克罗默蒂爵士弗朗西斯说,“假如我们拯救这个女人。Just at the moment that he was about to urge Kiouni forward with a peculiar whistle, Mr. Fogg stopped him, and, turning to Sir Francis Cromarty, said, "Suppose we save this woman."