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祝我的须眉生日康乐。Happy birthday to my husband!

落后的须眉缺少玄色配景。the backward man lacks black background.

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先生,我刚刚被一位黑人须眉抢了。Sir, I was robbed by a black man just now.

姑娘们也巾帼不让须眉,抢着拿起了最大的袋子。Girls show fight too, grabbing the biggest bag.

一剂毒药使得吵闹的须眉的鼻子变成玫瑰色。A dose of poison made the noisy manwis nose rosy.

军旗旁那位有须眉气势派头的古罗马女经理具有须眉风采。The manly Roman woman manager by the screherewising had manwismanner.

已经婚须眉把有疤痕的汽车以及马车带到了航母上。The married man carried the scarred car and carriage onto the carrier.

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得到挽救的无情须眉真的听凭燃油从薄纱中流出。it was true that the rescued cruel man let fuel oil issue from the tissue.

不论你是热血男儿,还是巾帼不让须眉的乒坛少女。Whether you are a warm-blooded son, or a teenage girl who love table tennis.

彼得真是一个美须眉,蓬蓬裙春天降落。他在高年级班中被选为最俊秀的男孩。Peter who was chosen the handsomest guy in the senior clrear end is quite an Adonis.

书中人物须眉毕露,情节起伏跌宕,不少内容不为人知。Characters man, if the circumstances are peaks and valleys barb, many content little-known.

须眉的心冷了,就再也难以热起来,由于爱过一次之后已经让他失去了爱的才能。He could not make heat to find this feeling in it. Since he lost the power of love as it gone.

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一个须眉花白的瑶族老人站在门前,手里提着一杆明火枪,肩上扛着一袋米。He was standing in front of the door with an airgun in hands and a bag of rice on the shoulder.

一个须眉花白的瑶族老人站在门前,手里提着一杆明火枪,肩上扛着一袋米。He was standing in front of the door with an airgun in hands and a bag of rice on the shoulder. He must be the owner!

须眉突然间全身一震,翘首,将怀中的宝剑一抛,大抬步走已往将女性搂在怀里深深一吻。The man's body suddenly shakes and throws away hellos sward, he walked to the woman and kisses her deeply in hellos arms.

既然矫捷的身手和敏锐的平衡感是这项运动必备的技能,女性攀岩绝对不让须眉,甚至比男人更好。Since agility and a keen sense of balance are skills essential to the sport, women climb just as well as, or better than, men.

好!凤姑娘果然是巾帼不让须眉,够豪爽,以后,我们便直呼其名!Good! Feng miss absolutely as expected is a female don't let man, enough straightforward, afterward, we then keep hurrahing its!

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在模拟谈判的实验室研究中,人们发现在果断和竞争意识方面,巾帼不让须眉。In lab studies that simulate negotiations, men and women are just about equally assertive and competitive, with slight variations.

易安诗重在抒发奋发进取的宏伟志向,“巾帼不让须眉”的气慨纵贯始终,前后一致。She puts emphasis on expressing the will of strenuousness and aggressiveness which run through in her poems and are always consistent.

那么在印度这样一个国家,女性已经展示出了巾帼不让须眉的豪情壮志,为何还要把女性描绘成楚楚可怜的形象呢?Then in a country where such women have showed their bravery from time to time, why is it necessary to always project a pitiful image of woman.