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这个批语家的好的评论能使你剧本成功!A good review by this critic will make your play!

他对老师的批语很生气。He was very angry at the remarks made by his teacher.

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记得第一要务就是不要批语别人。The first thing to remember is not to criticize anyone.

批语家指出这样的惊人表演是对天主教堂的不敬重。Critics argue this stunt is hostile to the Catholic Church.

他父亲批语他对老师太随便。His father scolded him for being too free with the teachers.

美国公众对总统迟到的批语毫不留情,是否对总统太苛求了?Is this sort of relentless criticism of the president's tardiness too tough?

一个星期后,试卷发下来了,上面写着给他的批语,“上帝得100分!And a week later the test paper came back to the boy with his notation , " God gets 100!"

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面对尖锐的批语,克林顿不敢迟到了,小心谨慎如约赴会。In the face of this sharp criticism, Mr. Clinton was careful to attend future meetings on time.

英国王储查尔斯1963年的数学作业本前曝光,有教师批语说他“枝大叶”。Britain's king-in-waiting, Prince Charles, was a "careless" student, his 1963 exercise book has revealed.

口腹之欲的专横,从来没有被描写过,因为每个人都得生存,所以连文学批语都把它放过了。Appetite tyranny has never been described, because everyone has to survive, so even it let go of the literary criticism.

于是,我回过头去查阅我那天写的日记,结果发现我给当天留的批语是“十分空虚的一天”,那天下了点儿雨,也没出什么大事。When I looked that day up in my diary I found that I had noted it down as "a very empty day" when it rained and nothing much happened.

对于一名士兵来说,这种心理是一种不可多得的优势,正因为经历过战场的洗礼,我有资格给利物浦人下批语,他们实在太了不起了!From a psychological point of view, that was a big asset. I've had a fair time to judge the Liverpool people and I think they're tremendous.

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虽然泰纳的中文口语流利,但她无法看懂老师写的批语,也无法就孩子的教育问题与老师或校方进行充分的沟通。Although Turner Speaking fluent Chinese, but she was unable to read the comments teachers, unable to children's education with teachers or school full communication.

即使批语洛杉矶的人也承认洛杉矶拥用非常好的气候以及漂亮的风景,而且它也是娱乐业的发源地,炫耀夺目,散发出魅力。Even its critics acknowledge that Los Angeles has wonderful weather and impressive scenery. And it is home to the entertainment industry, with all it's glitz and glamour.

我看完文卷,从来只打下分数,不写批语,而注重在和每个人做半小时以内的课外谈话上。I only put marks but never give comments on the papers after reading them. Instead I lay emphasis on holding outside-class individual talks with them lasting not more than 30 minutes.

与此同时,教师通过批语、回复提问等方式,解答学生提出的各种疑问和帮助学生处理遇到的人生困惑。At the same time, teachers through the criticism, responding to questions, such as ways and means, to answer the various questions and help students to deal with life encountered confusion.

以刘辰翁的诗文序跋和大量评点批语为文献依据,简略论述了刘辰翁的文学思想具有现代之阐释学意识。Based on the prefaces and a large quantity of remarks and commentaries of Liu Chenweng's poems, this paper is to discuss about the modern hermeneutics consciousness in his literary thought.