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这部电影的余波就是让我仍不敢自己上床睡觉。The aftereffect of this movie made me not want to go to bed alone.

当这位标志性的人物过世时,震动的余波回响数十载有余。When an icon passes the shock wave reverberates through the decades.

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密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

艾琳的余波过后,受其影响的各州州长都在颂扬联邦应急管理局。Governors from both sides of the aisle are praising FEMA in the wake of Irene.

强制拆迁只是这项工程的许多余波之一。Forced relocations, though, could pale next to larger fallouts from the project.

这场危机仍然余波未了,房屋止赎数量还在上升。We’re also seeing the reverberations of this crisis with the rise in foreclosures.

在战争和压迫的余波下,人们经常被告知要忘掉一些事情。In the aftermath of fighting or repression, people are often told to forget things.

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图片显示了这座城市仍然承受着严重的灾后余波。The images reveal a city still very much coping with the aftermath of the disaster.

点击这里查看专为伊朗大选及其余波而准备的聊天室。Check out this chat set up specifically for discussion of the Iran election and aftermath.

对于霍格伦德及其30人的公司而言,这场曝光的余波可谓此起彼伏。For Hoglund and his 30-person company, the fallout from the revelations continues to grow.

狂风暴雨般的哭闹过去了,但她的小身体时而还在余波中抽搐、颤抖。Sometimes, a little spasm, eddying from the bygone storm of sobbing, shook her small body.

伊朗六月的总统选举以及血腥的余波拖延了其回应。The Iranian response was delayed by the presidential elections in June and their bloody aftermath.

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与此同时,法国则怂恿在斯诺登先生泄密事件的余波未平之时推迟欧美贸易谈话。Meanwhile, France urged EU-US trade talks be delayed amid the fallout from secrets leaked by Mr Snowden.

霎时,潮头奔腾西去,可是余波还在漫天卷地涌来,江面上依旧风号浪吼。Instantly, die, but current pentium debunked still pouring in volume and surface waves roar, on the wind.

星期二的早上,人质被杀害和余波登上了像新浪,163.com和搜狐这些门户网站的头条。On Tuesday morning, the hostage killing and its fallout dominated news portals like Sina, and Sohu.

危机的余波还可以从不断增加的流浪猫狗看出来,这些都是被抛弃的宠物。The residue of the crisis can be seen in the increased presence of stray dogs and cats, family pets left behind.

危机由于其突发性、严重性、影响性和余波性,对于国家政治、经济危害极大。Crisis jeopardizes national politics and economy in the matter of its outburst, graveness, influence and aftereffect.

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美国入侵伊拉克之后,余波不断,在巴格达就发生了一系列疯狂纵火以及洗劫图书馆和博物馆的抢劫活动。There was Baghdad in the aftermath of the US invasion – a frenzy of arson and looting that emptied libraries and museums.

但是,当年,除了党内调整、提高了贫困线之外,并没有什么政治余波。Yet, apart from an adjustment of party rhetoric that year towards a more pro-poor line, the political fallout was minimal.

风暴和余波造成数百人死亡,造成巨大的财产损失,迫使该市全部撤离。The storm and its aftermath killed hundreds, caused massive property damage, and forced a full-scale evacuation of the city.