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我斜睨着头骨。I squinted up at the skull.

我对着头骨怒目而视,然后点了点头。I glowered up at the skull and nodded.

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“这是海怪的头骨,”她告诉我们。Here's a sea monster skull, ' she told us.

现在斯科特.欧勒森因为头骨骨折而躺在医院里。He was hospitalized with a fractured skull.

谨慎的头骨,口含红宝石。Discreet skull with red crystal between jaws.

他们用凿子凿穿头骨。They broke through the skull by using a chisel.

他已经吸收了古尔丹头骨的力量。He consumed the energies of the Skull of Gul'dan.

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海象的头骨单独地坐落在布满野花的旷野里。A walrus skull sits alone in a field of wildflowers.

头骨的上线和口必须是平行的。Toplines of cranium and the muzzle must be parallel.

这人小型头骨属于一只幼年畸齿龙。The tiny skull belonged to a young Heterodontosaurus.

当警戒时,耳朵提高,可到头骨水平位置。Raised when alert, on level with the top of the skull.

这是新型鸭嘴恐龙的头骨。The skull of the newly described duck-billed dinosaur.

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牠的头骨有数根尖状物与瘤状突起。Its skull had several spine- and wart-like protrusions.

鬼火般的橘红色光芒在头骨的眼眶中舞动着。Flickering orange lights danced in the skull’s eye sockets.

不过,物理学家们注意到,许多头骨上并无头发。Alas, the physicist notes, many skulls don’t come with hair.

一些奇怪的细长头骨,在纳斯卡线附近发现。Some strange elongated skulls found close to the nazca lines.

形态上,第三个头骨也不完全像直立人。Neither was the form of the third skull entirely erectus-like.

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头骨横竖指数表示人脑袋的大小和形状。The cephalic index shows the size and shape of the human head.

全身摔伤,肋骨骨折,头骨骨折。Fall and hurt all over, rib bone fracture, skull bone fracture.

这个头骨被高速飞来的撬棍粗暴地打了一个洞。This skull reveals a hole roughly gouged by a speeding iron bar.