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三板花边裙。Three-panel lace skirt.

我们可以改做三板模吗?Could we change it to 3 plate mold?

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三板溪水库属于多年调节水库。Sanbanxi Reservoir is a many-year adjustable reservoir.

三板市场,在场外市场买卖已经上市的股票。The buying and selling of exchange-listed stocks in the OTC market.

第三板以抢攻下旋、上旋转攻和摆短为主。The third board to sights on the next spin, the spin attack and put short-based.

三板模是建立在两板和普通模具只上的。Three steps die system was made up two-step moving die and biscuit cutting system.

通常把OTCBB市场称为第三板市场,因此,三板市场是二板市场的延伸。The OTCBB is commonly called the third market, which is the extension of the growth enterprise market.

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三板市场要充分发挥其应有的功能,在市场机制上的设计是关键。The designing of market system is the key of the Third Board Market to completely develop its function.

在乒乓球比赛中,前三板技术的好坏直接关系到比赛的胜负。In table tennis match, the first three panels technique concerns directly the final result of the match.

南非与巴基斯坦第二板球亮点第2天阿布扎比。澳大利亚与南非第五天亮点上海建工第三板球。Australia "and" South Africa on the fifth day of the third cricket sheds light on the construction of Shanghai.

与境外成熟的三板市场相比,我国三板市场从某种意义上讲存在着先天的不足。By comparing with foreign mature third board markets, we can find out theshortages of Chinese third board market.

前三板球,是最能体现积极主动、先发制人的技战术。The first three strokes of a rally is the technique and tactics that can reflect one's activeness and initiative.

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三板市场在我国仍是新生事物,其发展完善必然还有很长一段路程要走。As the third board market remains a brand new concept in China, there will be a long way before it becomes mature.

主道绿化形式以三板四带式为主,而次道绿化形式几乎全部是一板二带式。Three-board-four-zoster was the main fonus at main-road, but the form of sub-roads almost was one-board-two-zoster.

二板合同商也能勉强支持,而三板的零件供应商面对的问题就要大得多了。But the second-tier contractors that support them and the third-tier component suppliers are having much more trouble.

由于塑件结构复杂,设计时注意了点浇口的使用和相应三板式注射模的特点,并采用了自动脱料装置,以利于浇注系统凝料的取出。The key point was the structural design of sliding blocks for shaping, the application of pin point gate and auto-demolding mechanism.

三板市场功能定位是论文的一个重点,是三板市场制度构建的出发点。Function orientating of the Third Board Market is the focal point of the thesis and the starting place for the building of Third Board Market.

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负场比赛接发球以摆短和台内上手为主,第三板以上旋转攻为主,但得分率不高。Negative match reserve to put the main short and get started on table, the third plate above the main attack, but the scoring rate is not high.

根据支承座产品的结构特点,设计了一种型腔强制脱模的三板式模具结构。According to the structure feature of bearing seat product, design a three-plate type mold structure whose mould cavity is compulsive demolding.

新的建筑标志,朗德尔彩灯,施工今天将开始安装前三板垂直剖面的工人。Signs of new construction, Rundle Lantern, and construction would begin installing the first three panels today, "the" vertical position of workers.