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鲸鱼是鱼,对还是错?A whale is a fish.

圈养鲸鱼亚卡。Yaka, captive whale.

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鲸鱼是哺乳动物。The whale is a mammal.

大部分的鲸鱼都有栉状的牙齿。Most whales have ctenoid teeth.

爱是一起看鲸鱼。Love is whale-watching together.

不,大鲸鱼将在我体内游动。No, huge whales will swim in me.

其他的鲸鱼游到她的身边。The other whales swim to her side.

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而现在的鲸鱼座的规格。And now for the specs of the Cetus.

首先我们去参观白海豚鲸鱼。First, let's go visit Beluga Whales.

退潮把鲸鱼搁浅在海滩上。The receding tide stranded the whale.

鲸鱼开始鼻子抽噎和咳嗽。The whale began to sniffle and cough.

还有一个时髦的看上去像头巨大的鲸鱼。A modern one looked like a huge whale.

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在另一个池塘里,有一头小鲸鱼。In another pool there is a baby whale.

Menkar星是鲸鱼座中最亮的恒星。Menkar is the brightest star in Cetus.

鲸鱼在每年的这个时候产仔。The whales calve at this time of year.

看来鲸鱼总是会煽起人们强烈的感情。WHALES seem to stir up strong feelings.

那些鲸鱼呼气时发出一种急促的声音。The whales expired with a rushing sound.

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织在底部门襟粉红鲸鱼标签。Woven pink Whale label at bottom placket.

看到鲸鱼和芬迪湾鲨鱼。See whales and sharks of the Bay of Fundy.

鲸鱼有鳞,如果必须有的话。Whales have scales. If has to be in there.