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这本书切中了我们现在经济的时弊。The book diagnoses our present economic ills.

他成了一个摒弃一切幻想,严厉抨击时弊的批评家。He became a progressively harsh and disillusioned critic of his country's failings.

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杨慎每个文章理论观点的提出,皆能切中时弊。The proposal of every literary theory by Yang Shen can hit the social problems of the times.

19世纪末至20世纪初,艺术家笃信“为艺术而艺术”,缺乏合作和服务精神,日趋脱离社会,成为时弊。Across 19-20th century, artist turns themselves away from social service under the title belief "Art for Art".

这样,他使自己的作品不那么直接针对时弊,在现实和理想当中创造了一个灰色的模糊地带。In this way he has produced an ambiguous gray zone between reality and ideal, preventing his works from facing the real world directly.

他针对时弊,提出了广泛的改革思想,对后世有一定的借鉴意义。He has put forward a wide range of reform thoughts aiming at tackling problems, which have referential significance for later generations.

想靠形形色色的义的说教来匡正时弊,拯救世风人心,事实上无济于事。It is, in fact, of no help to depend upon kinds of righteous preaching to rectify malpractices and save the manners and morals of the time.

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杜牧的这些文艺思想,不仅可以针砭晚唐文学的时弊,而且对当下的文学创作同样富有启发和现实意义。Such literary thoughts of Du Mu's can not only criticize the disadvantages, but also enlighten the current literary creation with realistic significance.

他以诗为武器,抨击时弊,号召人民为民主自由和解放而斗争。He took poetry as a weapon to lash out at social ailments and to call on people to resist oppression and to fight for democracy, freedom and emancipation.

在运用双关手法的同时,既要充满温情关爱、蕴涵哲理意蕴、体现幽默机趣,更要表现强烈的社会责任感、讥刺时弊。When we use the quibble in adverting writing, it is needed to be full of warmth and love, contain philosophy, manifest humor and show strong social responsibility.

作为一名新闻工作者,我的一贯职责是揭露社会时弊,指出问题并发出警报,将复杂的世界动态真实而清晰地公之于众。My usual journalistic role is to expose wrongdoing, point with alarm, and distill complicated information into clear explanations of what's really going on in the world.

龚剑的大胆用色带来刺激的视觉感受,吸引观众的眼球,并且栖居其上,成为讽刺社会时弊的弦外之音。His brushwork reflects this variety of influences, while his use of color creates striking visual compositions that draw attention to this subtle and ironic social commentary.

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总结勘察设计质量过程的现状、时弊及问题,探讨了勘察设计质量的制度保证及其它措施、途径等。It deals with process status, malpractice and issues of investigation design quality, discusses system assurance of investigation design quality and other measures and approaches.

加强人文素质教育,是我国高职院校呼应国际、国内教育改革的新趋势,针对当前高等职业技术教育普遍存在的仅仅注重专业教育和技能训练,忽视人文教育的时弊而提出的一种新的教育观念。It is a new educational ideology to echo the new trend of education reform from home and abroad, which will help the students in higher vocational colleges to develop in an all-round way.