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我很幸运能加入这么一支充满战斗力的球队。I'm lucky enough to join a well-oiled team.

以及肩膀张开来展现更大的战斗力。The shoulders open up to reveal more repulsors too.

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提高阿富汗军队和警察的战斗力仍然是改善安全局势的关键之一。Analysts say Afghanistan security situation is worsening

美国人的心性、战斗力和精神可以克服任何挑战。No challenge can match theheart and fight and spirit of America.

陈彤的战斗力是最实在的,含而不露,却杀机无限!The battle effectiveness of Chen is hidden but real and killing.

阿纳金斩断下杜库的双手,使这位西斯尊主顿时丧失了战斗力。Anakin sliced off Dooku's hands, rendering the Sith Lord harmless.

切不可过分估计敌人的战斗力。You should on no account overrate the enemy's combat effectiveness.

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虽然勇士的小个阵容战斗力很强,但我们还是赢得挺轻松的。The game plan against the small-but-spry Warriors was simple, really.

高树勋的新八军也有战斗力呀!The New 8th Corps under Gao Shuxun also had high combat effectiveness.

为保持这支新式部队的战斗力,骑士需要有收入来源。To maintain the new fighting force, knights needed a source of income.

印度军方正采用瑜伽训练方式来提升士兵战斗力。The Indian army is using yoga to help condition its soldiers for combat.

这个词是用来形容军队的战斗力十分强大。This idiom is used to describe the powerfulness of an army's capabilities.

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如果有一个防守森严的城镇作为根据地,军队将会获得更高的战斗力。The army will do better if it has a reliable base in a well-fortified town.

截拳道是结果他的理念,思想,和战斗力的经验。Jeet Kune Do is the outcome of his ideas, thought, and fighting experiences.

如果你不已经有战斗力的狙击枪,您将获得一个自动的。If you don't already have a combat sniper rifle, you'll get one automatically.

我将永远保持战斗力,一直为返回总冠军行列而奋斗!I am gonna keep grindin and keep workin to get back to competing for Championships.

18到24枚P-20型战略巡航导弹形成巡洋舰的主要战斗力。From 18 to 24 strategic cruise missiles P-20 should have been its main impact power.

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但我觉得,在为冠军而战的机会之下,我仍然有非常旺盛的战斗力。However I feel I am still very much in with a chance of fighting for the championship.

官方公布其形成完全战斗力的日期不早于2011年末。And the official declaration of Full Operational Capability is not due until late 2011.

“西军”是宋朝驻守西北地区的劲旅。到北宋末,“西军”已成长为宋王朝战斗力最强的军队。"Western Army" is a strong contingent that garrisoned the western area of Song Dynasty.