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一条俄勒冈州钓获的大嘴,放流前所拍照片。An Oregon largemouth bass prior to release. Photo by Todd Moen.

放流鱼种生长和成活情况较好。In addition, survival and growth of fish released were quite satisfied.

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溢流分率是去油型放流器的一个重要操作参数。The overflow ratio is an important parameter of the deoilinghydroyclone.

此项研究可望对增殖放流鱼提供一种新型的自身标志法。This study may offer a new self-tagging method for artificial releasing.

第五章详细阐述了网络回放流媒体通信软件的设计实现。Chapter5 presents the network playback stream media communication software design in detail.

主要概述了国内外渔业研究中应用的各种标志放流技术。Some kinds of technologies applied in domestic and foreign fishery research are mainly summarized.

这样可以帮助钓鱼人区别野生与放流的鱼,也可以帮助渔政部门保护野生虹鳟。Clipping the adipose fin helps distinguish hatchery fish from wild fish when they are taken by anglers.

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他感觉就像挑选一些人放流,而且可以找到任何关于他可以炸毁。He feels like picking on some one to let off the stream , but can find nothing on which He can blow up.

本实验结果为鲎苗海区人工增殖放流提供了实验依据。This will be provided a basis for the artificial propagation and artificial releasing of horseshoe crab′s juvenile.

一条安大列湖支流钓获的奇努克鲑,放流之前在水中的照片。Lake Ontario tributary chinook salmon takes a moment to pose for the camera before this release. Photo by Brian Bradfiled.

本文提出用带活动盖板的喷口形式防止海水与泥沙入侵甚至破坏水下放流系统,并增加污水出口初始稀释度。A type of port with a movable cover is designed to increase initial dilution and prevent sea water and sediments from intruding into outfall systems.

新竹市政府为减轻都市污水对海洋的污染,故设置「客雅水资源回收中心」将污水处理后再放流入海。The Ko-Ya water recycling center was built from March 2006 for preventing the water pollution from the waste of the residents lived in Hsin Chu city.

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可以确认,在渤海放流对虾苗种增殖对虾资源,不仅是可行的而且是必要的。It would be affirmed that adopting measores of releasing shrimp fry into the Bohai Sea to enhance shrimp stock is not only workable but also necessary.

人工驯养和放流的初步成功,论证了在鸭绿江上游支流目前的生态环境状况下进行细鳞鱼人工增殖放流的可行性。The achievements of domestication and manual releasing, demonstrated the feasibility to reproduce and put them into rivers under the existing condition.

将樱花钩吻鲑放流至目前没有生存的溪流,将是未来几年保育工作的重点之一。Reintroducing Formosan Landlocked Salmon into the other creeks which they do not exist currently will be the main conservation strategy in the next few years.

作者并提出采取人工培育螅状幼体,选择合适水域进行放流以补充海蜇资源,是海蜇渔业稳定和增产的主要途径。The main ways to keep jellyfish resources steadily and to increase production were artificially breeding larvae and selecting appropriate area to release them.

本文简要介绍了在国内外渔业资源增殖放流中通常使用的几种标志技术和方法。The paper brief introduce the application of several marking techniques and tagging methods that often are used in fisheries resource enhancement and releasing.

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另外,本发明的方法在乌贼复苏后,无需暂养除去浮色,可以立即放流。Moreover, the method does not need temporary culture for removing floating color after the Sepiella maindroni recovers, and the Sepiella maindroni can be released immediately.

位于上面影像右上方异常明亮的恒星放流出的辐流正慢慢地夺走小尘埃柱末端恒星所附着的气体。A star near the small pillar's end is slowly being stripped of its accreting gas by radiation from a tremendously brighter star situated off the above picture to the upper right.

前者是一门较为成熟的学科研究渔业对象的种群生态学渔产潜力最佳放流密度和规格以及科学的捕捞策略等。Fisheries ecology focuses on biology of fishery species, potential production, optimal stocking density and size, rational input of subsidy energy, and rational catch strategy, and so on.