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校园被辐射。Schoolyards irradiated.

这是个非常城市化的校园。It's a very urban campus.

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人忧悲正在校园安步。I enjoy walking on campus.

举手之劳,美化校园。No, to beautify the campus.

总归校园只有这么大而已“The campus is only so big."

欢迎来观看我们的校园剧。Welcome to our school play.

校园爱情你会支持吗?Campus love will you support?

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他们总是待在校园里,And they are always on campus,

我会怀念这里的校园。And I will miss the campus here.

你是怎么在校园里穿行的?How do you get around the campus?

不许你在校园里张贴招聘海报。You will not list on this campus.

校园爱情,没有回报。Campus romance cannot be rewarded.

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朵朵鲜花开满了校园。Flowers bloom all over our campus.

这儿是一个美丽的城市校园。It's a beautiful urban campus, so.

夜幕下的校园,安静了。Night under the campus, the quiet.

所以我不怎么在校园里,So I'm not really based on campus,

校园里忌讳讨论这个话题.This topic is taboo on the campus.

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你想出演一部校园剧吗?Do you want to be in a school play?

校园换了新貌。The campus has taken on a new look.

他曾在校园里追逐女人。He had stalked some women on campus.