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大卫打开了马厩的门。David opened the stable door.

它看起来就像一间真正的马厩。It's just like a real stable.

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他被农夫们关进了马厩。He was stabled by the farmers.

铺在马厩里的草已粘结成层。Litter in the barn has bedded down.

那匹马从马厩里脱逃而出。The horse broke free from its stable.

他把马牵回了马厩。He led the horse back into the stable.

我们的马厩和他的住所毗连。Our stable abuts against his dwelling.

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我不也是属于皇家马厩的嘛?And don't I belong to the royal stables?

他给马厩铺了新鲜稻草。He littered the stable with fresh straw.

马群猛冲出着了火的马厩。The horses dashed out of burning stable.

农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。The farmer has housed the horse in the barn.

农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。The farmer get hoemploy the horse in the barn.

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运动马刺挂满了整个马厩。Spurs of the moment hang throughout the stable.

农夫把他的马圈在马厩里。The farmer have hoemploy the horse in the barn.

耶稣在伯利恒生于马厩中。Jesus wurde in Bethlehem in einem Stall geboren.

如果我要做,我愿成为马厩,散发着鲜草的气味。I'll be a stable if I want, smelling of fresh hay

马厩已用水龙管冲洗过。The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.

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他们用软管引水冲洗马厩的地面。The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.

敌人亵渎这所教堂,把它当做马厩。The enemy desecrate the church by using it as a stable.

我们的马被小马夫安顿好在马厩里了。Our horse was bedded down in the barn by the stable boy.