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在他人落座之前就开始就餐是很不礼貌的。It is impolite to begin a meal until everyone is seated.

在美丽的午后,善男信女落座于各自的位置。Everyonetakes his or her seat and settles in for a lovely afternoon.

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一早进入会场落座的人群里传来会心的笑声。Hearty chuckles from the early morning crowd just settling into their seats.

刚一落座,我就被面前摆放的银器弄得眼花缭乱。As I took my seat I was greeted by a dazzling array of silverware at my place setting.

众人落座后仪玉问任盈盈体内的毒是如何解掉的。All instrument jade asked ren ying ying after everyone is poison in the body how to work out.

登机以后,我在公务舱落座,舱内已经满员了。After the boarding process, I settled into my seat in the Business Class cabin, which was full.

全体听众起立,彭定康校长和刘大使走上主席台落座。The whole audience rose as the Chancellor and the Ambassador walked onto the rostrum and took their seats.

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落座的阀门阻止火焰通过阀门和连接管进入曲轴箱。Backseating the valve stops any flame from traveling through the valve and connecting hose into the crankcase.

有人刚在教堂的长凳上落座,另一些人可能正准备去公园或者海滩。So some people will be settled into church pews while others prepare to head out to the park, if not the beach.

绍兴县安昌兴海工艺厂落座于江南水乡—绍兴安昌古镇,地理优越,交通方便。Shaoxing Xinghai handicraft factory, located in Shaoxing Anchang Oldest town, Strategic location, traffic convenient.

你很快落座下来,因为你感觉到因世界上所发生的一切给你带来的疲惫和无力是如此沉重。You are quick to have a seat on the cushion because you feel so tired and drained from all that is going on in the World.

众人在餐厅落座之后,立刻有仆人为他们奉上各种各样的食物酒水。Is public after the restaurant falls, quickly have maid the edible wine for offering up various every variety for them water.

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美国和印尼代表团成员星期五落座在国务院U字型的会议桌边。Members of the U.S. and Indonesian delegations sat around tables set up in a "U" shape formation at the State Department Friday.

在气门下降段,将气门的落座速度和下降段缓冲包角取小些,使得气门落座平稳,无激烈的冲击现象。During the drop, better have a lower speed of resitting and a smaller wrap angle, which can have a smooth resitting without fierce impact.

来来来,爸、妈请坐上座,他拉开椅子协助父母坐下,大家纷纷落座。COME on, dad, mom, please sit in your places, then he pulls out chairs to help Papa and Mama sit down, everyone haphazardly takes their place.

而对于无压力室喷油嘴,针阀落座时燃油喷射过程能迅速停止,未出现尾喷后期雾化质量不良的现象。On the contrary, the fuel injection process stops immediately right after the valve covers orifices, and there is no more liquid fuel flowing out.

在南部德里的一家餐厅落座之后,我们打电话告诉译员说,我们希望服务生推荐一种不含小麦的菜品。After sitting down in a restaurant in southern Delhi, we called the interpreter to explain that we wanted a wheat-free recommendation from the waiter.

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莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰颇受关注的最新作品今日抵达米兰商业广场,落座于意大利证券交易所大楼前。the most recent and much discussed artwork by maurizio cattelan arrived today in milan's piazza affari, in front of the italian stock exchange building.

在等待其他幸运的时尚潮人落座的时候,38岁的退役球星小贝一度带着孩子们自拍。At one point 38-year-old retired footballer Becks took a selfie of himself and the children as they waited for the other lucky fashionistas to take their seats.

无凸轮轴气门驱动的主要问题是响应速度不够高、气门落座冲击、能耗过高以及驱动系统复杂昂贵。The main problems of the camshaftless valve actuation are long response time, hard valve landing, high power consumption and complex, high priced actuation system.