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沐浴和洗涤区。Bathing and washing areas.

它洗涤一切。It washes everything clean.

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我们能在洗涤池里洗东西吗?Can we wash things in a sink?

回转式双重洗涤系统。Rotatory Dual Washing System.

那些脏盘子在洗涤槽内。The dirty dishes are in the sink.

痛快的哭一场,洗涤你的心灵。Have a good cry, wash out your heart.

引领家居洗涤新风尚!Leading the new fashion home washing!

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弄脏我自己来洗涤你的罪愆。My self corrupting salving thy amiss.

水慢慢从洗涤槽流出去。The water drained slowly out of the sink.

男孩经过红玫瑰的洗涤,变成了一个男人。The boy becomes a man through the red rose.

洗涤槽溢水了,厨房里到处是水。The sink overflowed and swamped the kitchen.

这可是一种节约洗涤液的好办法啊。Great way to stretch a bottle of dish liquid.

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你的衬衣由于经常洗涤已经褪色。Your shirts have faded from frequent washing.

定期的安排洁净服的洗涤。Organize washing dirty clothes crectly termly.

防尘服洗涤资料记录管理。Dust-proof clothing washing records management.

适用于棉质、麻质及合成纤维等各种织品的洗涤。For use on cotton, linen and synthetic fabrics.

用皂片而不用洗涤粉。Use soap-flakes rather than a powder detergent.

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不溶解的固体废物不得扔进洗涤槽。Insoluble waste should not be put into the sink.

我们餐厅只使用洗涤液。We only use detergent liquids in our restaurant.

没有一个马桶和一个洗涤槽在浴室里。There aren't a toilet and a sink in the bathroom.