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月中好消息更多。More good news arrives mid-month.

我有一张4月中旬回去的票。I have a ticket to go back in mid-April.

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双月中较小的一个属于轻量级小行星,而另一个体积是它的3倍,重量是它的25倍。The smaller one was a planetary lightweight.

这个项目要到12月中才能完成。The project will be completed by mid-December.

然后,在接下来的2个月中,我只做这个。Then, for the next 2 months, this is all I did.

在月中突显沟通和教育。Midmonth highlights communication and education.

在过去的三个月中他一直在向她求爱。He has been courting her for the last three months.

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IPO窗口期一般在12月中旬关闭。The window for IPOs typically shuts in mid December.

过去五个月中,只有一份工作有着落。Over the last five months, only one job materialized.

我们需要在这,三个月中彼此信任。During these three months, we have to trust each other.

据认为,两省的暴发均始于1月中旬。Both outbreaks are thought to have begun in mid-January.

在过去的两个月中,阵亡总人数就达到18人。A total of 18 have been killed during the last two months.

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暑期班的课程从2009年6月中旬至2009年8月。The summer session runs from mid-June 2009 to August 2009.

我们在接下来的六个月中想要想出一个和它相配的名字。We spent the next six months trying tofind a match for it.

5月中时联动关系非常强劲,系数报负0.91.In mid-May, the correlation was as strong as negative 0.91.

世间荣贵月中人,嘉庆在今翻译辰。Mid world Ronggui people, Chen Jiaqing in this translation.

腊八节的阳历日期通常在1月中旬。The date of the Laba Festival usually falls in mid-January.

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在过去的一个月中,日本突然涌现出了一批女强人。The past month has seen a flurry of female firsts in Japan.

在四个月中,他组建起一支拥有二万人的军队。In four months, he had built an army of twenty thousand men.

1987年11月中,威廉姆林赛在罗文峪的城墙上。William Lindesay on the Wall at Luowenyu, mid-November 1987.