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他长年生病,致使身体瘦弱。His long illness leaned his body.

我高速驾车致使我头晕目眩。I drove at speeds that dizzied me.

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致使我们重新定义了这个品牌。The results have redefined the brand.

裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。Examine block for cracks or fractures.

这种还原反应致使弱的N-O键开裂。The reduction cleaves the weak N-O bond.

埃及罢工失败致使局势紧张。Egypt Strike Fizzles Amid Tight Security.

一个保险丝烧断了,致使灯灭。A fuse has blown, causing the lights to fail.

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我的真心真意,致使我的目睭虚假。My most true mind thus makes mine eye untrue.

是什么原因致使思域品牌遭遇这种降级呢?But what caused this downgrade of Civic’s brand?

她不安靖的意识致使她是如斯的亏弱虚弱。Her unstable mind was what made her so vulnerable.

裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。The crack eventually caused the chord to fracture.

核幅射致使女孩少出生了数百万?Millions Fewer Girls Born Due to Nuclear Radiation?

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地震导致的山体滑坡和落石致使了这些损害的发生。Landslides and rock falls contributed to the damage.

门诊部没有电冰箱,致使疫苗腐烂变质。There’s no refrigeration at clinics, vaccines spoil.

致使旧的布雷顿森林体系宣告结束。This brought an end to the old Bretton Woods System.

致使我犹豫不绝的原因是沟通的总价值。What sustains me is the overall value in communicating.

门关关开开的响声致使孩子不能入睡。A door was banging and the child could not get to sleep.

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滥用毒品和酗葡萄酒致使了布莱恩的早逝。Drug and alcohol abuse contributed to Brian's early death.

致使于看一切都如花似锦。Even to the point that everything else seems so beautiful.

进一步的研究可以确定什么致使她颅内出血。Further testing will determine what caused the hemorrhage.