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蒙骗,欺骗,诈取。To defraud, cheat, or swindle.

他用一套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩。He took the girl in with his story.

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不要被我平静的外表所蒙骗。Do not be deceived by my peaceful face.

所以别被那滴眼泪给蒙骗了哦。So don't be fooled by that single tear drop.

真的,假的,蒙骗的,夸大的我都说过。True of, false, bilk of, exaggerative of I say.

这个问题是在于大脑蒙骗了当事者。The problem is that the brain tricks the person.

她被指控企图蒙骗税务员。She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.

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我在睡梦中被你的幻影蒙骗。When dreams of your presence my slumbers beguile.

温厚的泰森先生被他妻子彻底蒙骗了。The mild Mr. Tyson was completely foxed by his wife.

不要从封面来判断一本书的好坏,因为封面会蒙骗你。Nerver judge a book by it's cover , as it can fool you.

你不要被这些歪理邪说蒙骗了。Don't let yourself be taken in by such absurd deception.

那个头脑糊涂的经理总是受雇员的蒙骗。The muddle-headed manager is often put over by his employees.

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我知道你们男人懂得如何用虚情假意的言辞来蒙骗我们女人。I see that men still know how to beguile us women with false words.

我不再被他们的外表所蒙骗,我已睁开双眼。I will no longer be fooled by the garments who wea for mine eyes are open.

他试图通过自己俊朗的外型来蒙骗单纯的少女。He tried to blind unsophisticated young girls with his handsome appearance.

它有一套蒙骗、恐吓、胁迫群众的精神“紧箍咒”。It had a set of mental shackles to deceive, threaten and intimidate people.

第一是切记不要从封面来判断一本书的好坏,因为封面有时也会蒙骗你。Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you.

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披着与环境协调一致的颜色对弱小的蚜虫来说,太重要了,因为颜色可以帮助蚜虫躲避蒙骗它们的天敌。Coloring is important for aphids because it helps them foil their predators.

我不再被他们的外表所蒙骗,我已睁开双眼,看破了他们的伪装。I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open.

所以,你看,切记不要从封面来判断一本书的好坏,因为封面有时也会蒙骗你。So, you see, don t ever judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you.