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知识分子应受到尊重。Intellectuals should be esteemed.

我们以为他是个知识分子。We thought he was an intellectual.

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他被认为是一位知识分子。The man was regarded as am egghead.

吕弗勒是我认识的一个花瓶一样的知识分子。LOEFFLER was my trophy intellectual.

他喜欢自命为知识分子。He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.

礼貌待人是知识分子的特点之一。Politeness is an attribute of an intellectual.

言路这名知识分子也不例外。Their books that intellectuals is no exception.

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二是中国先进知识分子的活动。The major role is the progressive intellectuals.

知识分子是国家的宝贵财富。Intellectuals are valuable wealth to the country.

有什么新鲜说法来形容知识分子吗?Is there anything new to say about intellectuals?

他对知识分子有戒心,但是更瞧不起乡下人。If he fears the intellectual, he despises the boor.

一些美国人把牛津视为知识分子的乐园。Some Americans see Oxford as an intellectual Disneyland.

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多数知识分子要求进步。The majority of the intellectuals want to make progress.

不管左派右派,这就代表反知识分子。For both the left and right this means anti-intellectual.

知识分子搞不懂市场的规律。Intellectuals do not understand the genius of the market.

我们的祖国和民族寄希望于青年知识分子。Our country and nation place hope on young intellectuals.

她是个很有魄力的知识分子,不惧怕说出自己的想法。She was a forceful intellectual unafraid to speak her mind.

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‘潮人’是研究社会形态的知识分子,是酷炫的学生。The hipster is a scholar of social forms, a student of cool.

大多数的中国知识分子主张民主。The vast majority of Chinese intellectuals advocate democracy.

一位杰出的蒙古知识分子,和他的家人。B. Baabar, a prominent Mongolian intellectual, with his family.