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于是,我成了我自己的假想敌。Then I became an imaginary enemy to myself.

因为其现行制度是基于一个假想敌。Because the existing system is based on having an enemy.

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该怎么去平衡,我和我的假想敌。How to balance me and my imaginary enemy which also is me.

所以假想敌或者说军演的指向,显然是非常清楚的。Therefore, pointing an imaginary enemy or exercise, is obviously very clear.

他用影像传递出更有力的声音,更胜他大多数假想敌们的文字运用。He's speaking louder with images than most of his ideological opponents do in words.

军工联合体找到苏联后的假想敌了。The military industrial complex has found its replacemen¬t for the old Soviet Union.

泰斯拉继续将生命力从他的假想敌体内挤走,有力的拇指捏到了柔软脆弱的要害之处。Tesla's powerful thumbs found soft and vulnerable places as he continued to squeeze the life from his would-be foe.

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我觉得中导的拦截实战性是很强的,而且在目前针对的假想敌是非常清楚的。I think the actual interception of the guide is very strong, but for the imaginary enemy in the current is very clear.

浏览器显示假想敌和真人的相似部分越多,这个神经组织就会活动得越频繁。The scanner showed that the more human-like the features of the supposed opponent were, the more such neural activity increased.

僵尸永远是最好的假想敌,因为你可以沉溺于自己的疯狂的想象中,又能假装自己是个好人。Zombies are the best imaginary enemy because they let you indulge in psychotic fantasies while still pretending to be the good guy.

曾几何时,明智的观察家会指出每一个国家都会试图潜入假想敌甚至是朋友的电脑。Before long, sensible observers will point out that every country tries to hack into the computers of perceived enemies and even friends.

我们的目标是要创造一个完美的交融贸易战略及休闲探险发生在一个复杂的假想敌,但可信的世界。Our goal is to create a perfect blend of trade strategy and casual adventuring taking place in a complex imaginary yet trustworthy world.

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中国是全球最有影响力的国家。何不认可这点,改掉爱造假想敌的习惯。China is the most influential nation on the planet. Why not simply acknowledge this, and drop the habit of producing straw man statistics.

“不要把中国当作假想敌,而且最好还要和巴基斯坦搞好关系”,你不知道巴基斯坦是恐怖主义老窝这个事实吗?"Stop imagining China as the enemy and improve relationship withPakistan" . Are you unaware of the fact that Pakistan is the hub of terrorists?

史密斯每天会花六个小时,每周五天在体育馆去学习像一个拥有假想敌的拳击,跳绳,举重并为电影阿里做持久性训练。Will Smith spent six hours a day in the gym, five days a week, learning to box like a pro, skipping, lifting weights and doing endurance training for the movie Ali.