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起初,他也许会大发雷霆,心烦意乱。He may be angry and upset at first.

我爸妈会对我大发雷霆的。Mom and dad are going to be very mad at me.

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她常为鸡毛蒜皮的小事大发雷霆。She often hits the roof because of trifles.

我刚一争论,乔便大发雷霆。When I began to argue, Joe burst into a rage.

父亲对彼得犯的错误大发雷霆。Father was __C__ with Peter about his mistake.

她不听父亲的话,她父亲大发雷霆。Her father raved at her when she disobeyed him.

我冲进店里正准备大发雷霆。I stomped into the store, ready to unleash my fury.

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当阿列克斯开始争论时,理查德便大发雷霆。When Alex began to argue, Richard burst into a rage.

当经理听到坏消息时,他对他们大发雷霆。The manager let out at them when he got the bad news.

只要稍不顺意,他就大发雷霆。He would be furious if there is the slightest mistake.

他在大家面前大发雷霆的时候,我真是吓坏了。I was so shocked when he flared up in front of everyone.

她为一些家庭琐事对丈夫大发雷霆。She raged against her husband for some household affairs.

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我把她议论他的话告诉了他,他大发雷霆。I told him what she had said about him and he did his nut.

忽而大哭、忽而大笑、忽而大发雷霆等等。Now they cry, sometimes to laugh, suddenly angry and so on.

我告诉我爸我把他的照相机搞坏了的时候他大发雷霆。Dad will hit the ceiling when I tell him I broke his camera.

你母亲发现发生了什么事情之后会大发雷霆的。Your mom is going to be furious when she finds out what happened.

当他发现妻子花了那么多钱,气得大发雷霆。When he found out his wife had spent so much money, he blew a fuse.

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你父亲要是听说了你的所作所为,一定会大发雷霆。Father will throw a fit when he hears that the house has been burgled.

赫克托耳似乎很生气,但他太累、太兴奋了,还没有真正地大发雷霆。It seems like he's angry, but he's too tired and high to get really angry.

这位老牌歌手因唱片歌曲被泄露,向制作人大发雷霆。The veteran crooner took out his anger over a leaked record on a producer.