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他东渡去日本He crossed over to Japan.

他们已东渡去日本了。They have crossed over to Japan.

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她在1990年东渡去日本。She crossed over to Japan in 1990.

高奇峰东渡日本学习美术。Gao Qifeng goes to Japan to study fine arts.

1906年他再次东渡日本,恰在日俄战争后。In 1906 he again went to Japan after the Russo-Japanese War in exactly.

印度僧人达摩东渡来华,带来了印度传统的禅法。It is Damo, an Indian monk, who introduced the traditional Dhyana in India into China.

科学家相信这样的猎人跟着这些动物东渡现在的白令海。Scientists believe such hunters followed animals east across what is now the Bering Sea.

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田汉1916年东渡日本求学,并通过日本这座桥梁,接受了王尔德的唯美主义思想并将其融入到自己的创作中。This paper focused on his earlier New-Romantics style works. In 1916, Han Tian came to Japan to study.

鉴真和尚东渡日本,五次渡海失败,以至双目失明,但仍矢志不渝。Jianzhen, a Chinese monk, tried five times on sailing trips to Japan but failed. He went blind as a result.

“这一切都从加内特东渡开始,”小斯说道,“之后大家都开始动了心思。"It started when Kevin Garnett came to the East, " Amar'e Stoudemire said. "Then everybody started to trickle over.

1905年李东渡日本留学,考入位于东京上野公园内的东京美术学校,该学校的特色专业是西方油画和音乐。In 1905 Li went to Japan to study at Tokyo School of Fine Art in Ueno Park where it specialized in Western painting and music.

早于1917年,关良东渡日本学习,毅然放弃学习数理科学,转读东京太平洋美术专科学校,在中村不折和藤岛武二指导下学习写实风格油画。In 1917, Guan had abandoned his studies on mathematics and science in Japan before he transferred to the Pacific Arts School in Tokyo.

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明代末年,乐人魏之琰东渡日本,带去了二百四十多首明代流行的歌曲谱与大量的乐器,时人称之“明乐”。In the late Ming Dynasty, the musician Wei Zhiyan went to Japan with 240-plus popular songs and a great number of musical instruments.

今年是鉴真东渡1300周年,日本有关方面将举行大规模庆祝活动。This year marks the 1300th anniversary of Monk Jianzhen’s voyages to Japan and the Japanese side will hold grand celebrations for the event.

1908年夏,二十岁的王绍鏊东渡日本,考入早稻田大学政治经济科。In summer of 1908, the twenty-year-old Wang Shaoao went to Japan and was admitted to the political and economic section of Waseda University.

他自幼接受中国传统文化教育,年轻时东渡日本,得以广泛接受西方社会思潮。When he was young, he received traditional education, then he sailed to Japan and accepted western countries' cultures and thoughts extensively.

国势日衰的清政府为了苟延残喘于1896年首派学子东渡扶桑,开中国留日运动之先河。Decaying Ch'ing Dynasty despatched students to Japan in 1896 to linger on in a steadily worsening condition, thus, the movement of studying in Japan started.

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在清末中国留日运动大潮中,约600名齐鲁青年学子先后东渡留学,在日本接受了新思想、新文化、新知识。Among the Chinese students studied in Japan in late Qing Dynasty, there are 600 from Shandong Province, who received new knowledge both in culture and in thoughts.

但这首绝句的创作时间和背景,却众说纷纭,而比较一致的时间是在“东渡前”即1917年9月。However, there's actually a wide spectrum of opinions on the written time and the background. The relative coherent time is in September 1917 before he set sail to Japan.

然身处时代巨变中的女诗人,却于婚后毅然抛却我夫我子,东渡扶桑求知进取,一圆巾帼英雄梦。Great changes in the poetess living in the era, but she resolutely discard her husband and childern, crossed the sea to Japan to quest for knowledge, achieve heroine dreams.