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颜色范围可以从香槟色到米色。Color ranges from champagne to beige.

对不起,请问那个米色的钱包多少钱?Excuse me.How much is that cream-colored purse?

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他从口袋里掏出一个相当大的米色信封。He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket.

基金会在220自然米色美宝莲散客我!Foundation in 220 Natural BeigeMaybelline FIT ME!

美丽的龙猫一个米色显性基因。A beautiful chinchilla with one beige dominant gene.

这是一个新的开放裆米色身体塑造者。This is a new beige body shaper with an open crotch.

它们和上身的米色珠片带不相配。They do not match the Ivy sequin strips on top of dress.

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唯一不同的是风雨衣——一件米色,一件黑色。The only difference was the raincoat-one black, one beige.

他身着一件米色丝绸衬衫,头戴一顶花格子高尔夫球帽。He was wearing a cream silk shirt and a tartan golfing cap.

房子是米色的,但阴影使房子显得暗色重重。The building is beige, but the shadows make it shadow-color.

和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。The colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis.

黄色和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。The colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis.

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封面和封底是重磅的米色道林纸,边上打了两个眼。The covers is heavy beige Dowling, have two holes with edge.

绿色和米色之间的边界显示的是河谷壁。The boundary between the green and beige marks the valley walls.

它们小小的,介于米色和浅褐色之间,但仍然是回报。They were small, somewhere between ecru and beige, but this was it.

以透气凉爽,色彩上可以选用白色、米色、淡灰、天蓝色。To breathe cool, color can choose white, beige, light gray, sky blue.

近来较流行的是浅色的沙发,如白色、米色等。Light-colored sofa is the trend recently, for example, white, beige, etc.

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使自己身处在绿色、橘色、黄色和米色的明亮色调里。Expose yourself to bright hues of the colors green, orange, yellow, or beige.

吃晚饭的时候,通常以丰富的米色鸭汤由野鸭。The dinner usually ends with a rich cream-colored duck soup made from the duck.

身躯下部、尾巴及“裤子”部分为奶酪色、灰色或浅米色。The underparts of the body, tail, and breeches are cream, gray, or light beige.