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她想到会再次被活埋。She thinks of being buried alive again.

这是一种害怕被活埋的恐惧。It is fear of being out of mobile contact.

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他那美丽的爱人竟至是被活埋了。for his beautiful wife had been buried alive.

他把十个人投到一个枯井里活埋。Ten people, he threw down a dry well and buried alive.

还有好几百人在瓦砾堆下被活埋.There are still hundreds of people buried alive under the rubble.

可爱的小兔子在玩棒球,怎么就被大傻鹿给活埋了?Cuddles plays baseball and ends up buried alive, drowned and crushed!

一心求死的人即使活埋也不会抱怨。The person who truly desires to die will not complain if buried standing up.

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在一次党的会议之后,他说,他把金鱼拿到外面活埋了。After aparty meeting, he said, he took the fish outside and buried them alive.

她害怕再次被活埋,再次经历那生不如死的28小时。She thinks of being buried alive again, of experiencing those 28 hours all over.

这只恐龙可能是在不注意时被山崩活埋。This dinosaur was probably buried alive in a landslide that caught it off guard.

被活埋的人当中有一个刚两个月的婴儿,一个十岁的男孩和一个八十岁的老太太。Among those buried were a two-month-old baby, a boy of ten and a woman of eighty.

某些地方人们戴着口罩,穿着防护衣,活埋了许多鸡。Some local people wearing masks, wearing protective clothing, buried alive many chicken.

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他们经常是把那些参加过减租斗争的人活埋。Very often they buried alive men who had engaged in the struggle for reduction of rents.

这种感觉就像是我们将会被活埋,而现在我们所有能做的事只是干坐着看他们为我们掘墓It feels like we will be buried alive and all we can do is sit and watch them dig our graves.

我想,如果没有孔子的坚决反对,不知道还会有多少祖先被活埋在坟墓里。In my opinion, if no opposition of Confucius, more our ancestors would be buried alive in tombs.

惊慌失措中,雷伊把车开到一块农田的中间,挖了一个坑,把马蒂扔进去活埋了。Panicking, Ray drives to the middle of a field, digs a hole and throws Marty in, burying him alive.

你有没有梦到过自己被锁在一个房间里或者被困在一个矿井里又或者被装在一个箱子里活埋。Have you ever had a dream that you are locked in a room, trapped in a mine, or buried alive in a box?

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一家悉尼杂志报道说,一些连同金子一起藏在矿井里的华工被活活埋掉了。A Sydney magazine reported that miners who stayed to hide their gold in mine shafts were buried alive.

海湾战争时有多少后撤的伊拉克军人被美国的装有特制铁犁坦克活埋?。How many retreating Iraqi soldiers were buried alive by U. S. tanks with ploughs mounted on the front?

不过呢,由于在鸵鸟枕里睡觉让呼吸有点困难,所以当你醒的时候你可能觉得你刚刚被活埋了。Plus it makes it really uncomfortable to breathe, so you'll probably wake up thinking you were buried alive.