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我的第一份工作是在个皮草公司做内勤。My first job I was in-house at a fur company.

公司也看出外贸业务的确难开展,便让我做内勤工作。Leader also understood it is hard to open the abroad market and let me do inside job.

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内勤局调查员会锁定历来容易导致腐败的违法行为。IAB investigators target those offenses that have been traditionally corruption-prone.

基层派出所行政内勤是整个派出所工作棋盘中的一枚重要“棋子”。Administrative office work is a very important part in the whole work of basic police stations.

内勤局还有一个执法项目,是我们通过防患于未然来遏制腐败的一个环节。IAB also has developed an enforcement program as part of our proactive approach to corruption control.

就在她调往内勤这天夜里,她所在城市发生了一件惊天大案。Move toward office staff this day in her at night, she was in a city to produce extremely big record of a Jing.

具有销售行政相关知识,有2年以上销售内勤、户服务执行经验。Have the knowledge of the sales administration, more than2 years sales and customer service executive experience.

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柜台内勤人员以及外勤邮递业务人员则是此次招考需求的最大宗。The highest number of job openings will be available for counter and office staff and field postal staff during this recruitment.

为领导出谋划策,积极发挥参谋助手作用,协助所长做好各方面的工作,是行政内勤人员的“主业”。The major task of the administrative office staff is to give advice and suggestions and to assist the head in various items of work.

诚信测试是一个由内勤局模拟的人为情境,看起来很像警察在日常巡逻时会遇到的情景。An integrity test is an artificial situation engineered by IAB to look like a situation a police officer might encounter any day on patrol.

在国内,保险营销员是作为保险公司的外勤员工,并不享受内勤员工的待遇。In the domestic insurance market as a member of staff in the field of insurance companies does not enjoy the treatment of back office staff.

为安全公司聘雇,负责专门向保户收取保费的内勤人员。有些安全公司会将收费员归入外勤单位,收费同时也兼做业务…Hires for the security company, is responsible for specially the office work personnel who charges the insurance premium to the person insured.

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然后内勤局调查员会前往该处出示逮捕证,希望获取情报,以及在可能时利用这些人作为我们诚信测试的线人。Then the IAB investigators will go and execute those arrest warrants with the hopes of gathering intelligence and using these people, if possible, as our operatives in an integrity test.

但他又表示,虽然需要一段时间,但投资银行家、交易员、销售人员和分析师会比内勤人员更容易在竞争公司和投资机构那里找到工作.But Sorbera said, while it may take time, investment bankers, traders, sales people and research analysts were in a better position to find jobs at rivals and buyside firms than back office staff.