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我们欠你的远胜于我们能言说的。We owe you more than we can say.

大便是言说的大他者。Lacan Shit is the languaged Other.

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他们的牺牲在本质上有某些不可言说的东西。Something in the nature of their sacrifice was unsayable.

不能言说者,即请持缄默。推开窗,一轮明月,当下呈现。Where of one can not speak , there of one must be silent.

自我言说其存在,是现代主义艺术的特质之一。Self-existence is one of the special features of modernistic art.

同时该句式能够达到精简的效果以及可以表达言说者不同的态度。It could be used to emphasize the condition as well as the result.

“别逗了,至少你们还有那种不可言说的慈悲,”克鲁利酸溜溜地说。"Come off it. Your lot get ineffable mercy, " said Crowley sourly.

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当我言说时,我自己并不知道,这个事实使我成为动词的主词的「我」。What speaks without knowing it makes me " I, " subject of the verb.

夸父拥有地母神的特征,“夸父逐日”乃“控日巫术”仪式的言说。Kua Fu was ever the saying of the ceremony of control of witchcraft.

无论我们遇到多大的困难,我们都不应该轻言说放弃。Nomatter how big difficulty we have met, we should not give up easily.

春花怒放,犹若阵阵不可言说的爱之痛苦。THE SPRING flowers breakout like the passionate pain of unspoken love.

然而,却努力于招唤语言言说的生机。However, efforts are made to the calling that the vitality of language.

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他们在时间中自我存在,有着不可言说的庄严。They exist in time wholly of themselves, with an unspeakable solemnity.

在那里无昼无夜,无形无色,而且永远,永远无有言说。There is no day nor night, nor form nor colour, and never, never a word.

林薇佯装生气,言说只要给她一点暗示,也不会妄加猜测李檬。Linwei pretend angry, just give her a hint of speech, nor wangjiacaice lee.

听到家人全都安全的消息时,她如释重负之感难以言说。The relief was incredible as she heard the news that her family were alive.

主位研究的言说方式和民族认同。The speech style of emic research and the question of ethnic consciousness.

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我们可以常常真诚地向我们所爱之人言说表达爱意。We can tell and show our loved ones that we love them. Often and sincerely.

本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles.

曹禺剧作中存在着女性言说与男性叙述的冲撞。There is conflict between female speech and male narration in Cao Yu s dramas.