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人是万物之灵。No man is content.

人是万物之灵。The style is the man.

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万物存在于我之躯!All things exist in me!

褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos.

只有天地万物知道。Only the universe knows.

春天使万物复苏。Spring wakes all nature.

因为你创造了万物。For you created everything.

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春回大地,万物复苏。Spring, all things recovery.

雪使万物均呈一片白色。Snow assimilates all objects.

佳物不独来,万物同相携。The best does not come alone.

春回大地,万物复苏。Spring recovery of all things.

在万物中,他们首要的是钱。They want it above all things.

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和所有的万物。And everythings all by the way.

他开始对万物进行观察。He began to observe everything.

道本身是包含天地万物的。Tao itself contains all things.

引力定律适用于宇宙万物。The law of gravity is universal.

因为万物都变得不育而贫瘠For all things turn to barrenness

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我离万物,是多么遥远!How distant I am from everything!

叫万物都服在他的脚下。And put everything under his feet.

奎师那是万事万物的根源。Krishna is the root of everything.