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刻在你脆弱的心间也许千斤重负在肩。Your weak mind may bear hundreds of burden.

衣服吸了水,沉甸甸的,鞋子也好像有千斤重。My clothes were heavy, my shoes weighed a tonne.

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放下千斤斧,快去勤植树!Put one thousand jins axe, go often plant trees!

他的伙伴们替他起了个浑名,叫冉千斤。His comrades had nicknamed him Jean the Jack-screw.

一副力拔千斤的身躯,亦然一副残忍的身躯。It was a body capable of enormous leverage—a cruel body.

我们是否软弱多愁,千斤重担压肩头?Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?

他年轻的肩膀能够挑起这千斤重担吗?Can he shoulder the heavy responsibility when he is so young?

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仅经济负担一项而言就有如千斤重担。The financial burden alone may seem a crushing responsibility.

千斤重担人人挑,个个头上有指标。One thousand jins weight, everyone all have indexes on the head.

秤杆虽小提千斤。A steelyard is small but it carries a weight of a thousand catties.

这样就真的“有损”千斤重击者的“形象”了。Which really undoes what we're trying to say with the thousand pounder.

可是那天,父亲一下子卖了几千斤,装了整整一三轮车。But that day, father suddenly sold thousands of jins, arranged for a tricycle.

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所有吊货索、千斤索需要刷净、清洁、检查并涂油。All cargo wires and topping lift wires need to be brushed, cleaned, examined and greased.

他一想到这场灾难,两腿就像有千斤重,再也挪不动一步了。Eg. All the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldn't move a step further.

那天,当我离开电影院的时候,我感觉好轻松,好像肩头千斤重的负担被卸下来。I left the theater that day feeling as if an unbearable weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

数千斤葡萄被狂欢的人们高高抛向天空,再落在人的头上、肩上……仿佛一场葡萄雨。Tons of grapes were thrown to the air by these people, so it seemed having a rain of grape juice.

在街上你看到七八十岁的老太太推着上千斤的垃圾,一点都不感到惊奇。You may not surprise if you see a seventy to eighties years old woman push a half ton trash cart.

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它通红通红的,上面好像压了块千斤重的钢板,逐步下坠了。It flushed red, and above a piece of heavy pressure like heavy steel plate, and gradually drop the.

我们发挥政府投资“两拨千斤”的作用,引导带动社会投资。We guided and stimulated non-government investment by means of well-leveraged government investment.

它是将陆地定向钻技术与水下人工攻泥器技术相结合,构成一种新的可控穿千斤攻泥器。It is a combine of directional drilling technique on land and manual mud-penetrator technique undersea.