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苔丝心想,这场完了就该散场了。This surely would end it, thought Tess.

青春终将散场,唯独记忆永垂不朽。Youth will break, but memory lasts forever.

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叫他等戏一散场就直接到这里来。He is to come here, directly after the play.

好聚好散,捆绑了这么久的爱情,也早应该散场了。A bound, so long as the love, also should break up.

2014年,盛夏,我们的高中生活散场!In 2014, the height of summer, our high school life!

电影散场后学生们一群一群往外涌。The film was over. The students poured out in crowds.

毕业了,就让这荒唐的青春这样散场吧。Graduation, let this ridiculous youth so it after the.

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因为没有计程车,我们在电影散场后必须走路回家。There being no taxi, we had to walk home after the movie.

在看完比赛后散场的人群中把孩子挤丢了。The child get lose in the press of people leave the match.

在看完比赛后散场的人群中把孩子挤丢了。The child got lost in the press of people leaving the match.

不要松开我的手。不要对我说再见。不要让这场爱散场场。Don n't let me go. Don't say goodbye. Don't let this love die.

然而,就嘉莉而言,不存在什么散场后的玩乐。There was no after-theatre lark, however, so far as Carrie was concerned.

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冗长的青春即使散场,也依然让人无限怀恋。Even if the lengthy finish at youth, it still makes an infinite nostalgia.

散场,我们用心记住每个人的样子,记住那青春的容颜。Finish, we remember everyone look like, remember that the appearance of youth.

青春散场,不小心遗落的碎片,扎伤的,不只是心。Crowds of youth, careless of the debris fall, injuries, and not just the heart.

然而,一次又一次地,我看见他的观众在散场时充满希望,意志坚定,容光焕发。Yet, again and again, I saw him send audiences away glowing with hope and resolution.

人生是某些人在某个时间的某段相遇。生活的唯一指向,是一场没有散场的电影。Life is someone's some time meeting. The only point of life is a movie with no end at all.

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听到一些观众在散场时分笑呵呵地总结这部片子是一部“轻喜剧”,百思不得其解。It's a shame that I heard some audiences commented this film a light comedy after it finished.

一生经历一次的青春,目的只是听一次花开的声音,看一次花落的寂然,然后散场。Life experience a youth, only to hear a sound of bloom, see a flower falls silent, and then press.

他面无表情地坐在靠背长凳上,等待礼拜的结束,等待着圣会的散场。He sat emotionless in the pew for the remainder of the service, waiting for the congregation to exit.