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我要带你妈妈去卒业舞会。I'll take your mom to the prom.

他的两个孩子也的确从密歇根大学卒业。Both of his kids actually did graduate Michigan.

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你的家人要来参加你的卒业典礼吗?Will your family be attending the graduation ceremony?

本科卒业之后,你将必须面对这个真实的世界。After graduation, you will have to deal with the real world.

我进展你能卒业后回国,为家乡建设出力。I hope you can return home after graduation, for the home-building efforts.

身高1.78米的吴怡是广东外语外贸大学的一名应届卒业生。The 1.78-meter-tall Wu is a recent graduate of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

我的电脑2005年我下中结业的时辰,父母为我办了一场卒业悲庆会。My ComputerWhen I graduated from High School in 2005, my parents threw a graduation party for me.

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始中结业后就盘算去外洋上学了,始终待到了现在的下中卒业。After graduating from junior middle school to go to school abroad, until now the high school graduation.

领有该学位的卒业生到更多的乐成,因为他们了更好的教诲,积攒了更好的人脉。Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better education and develop better contacts.

来中国之前我卒业于尼格尔斯州立大学,获得了历史和英语文学双学位。I came to China after receiving a double degree in history and English literature from Nicholls State University.

她眼中的抱负男子必需是从中国顶尖大学卒业,并且学的也必需是经济或者“邻近似的学科”。Her ideal man had to be a graduate of one of the countrys top universities who studied economics or something similar.

后得工商治理卒业的小姑纷繁协助,专攻外卖市场,成功创始了餐饮事业。When ZuYes sister-in-law commercial management numerous assistance, specialize in take-away market, founding a catering business success.

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西凤对向南严加控制,阻止向南和丁原交往,甚至把向南锁在家里,逼其专心温习迎接卒业测验。West chicken to south kept under strict control, prevent south rioux and exchanges, and even the south lock in the home, its focus on revision to meet school test.

我有一个十分要好的伴侣,自从他从医科大学卒业后承继了爸爸妈妈丰厚的遗产,即使是一辈子不任务也够他挥霍的了。I have a very good friends since he graduated from medical university after he or she has inherited a great legacy, even lifetime don"t work also enough he squanders."

北美各国主要大学开设体育管理专业已多年了,在体育行业中,正是这类专业的卒业生在工作。从北美培养体育管理人员的学校和系、科工作中,或许能总结出一些宝贵的经验来,作为中国同类专业的参考。In North American countries, the sports management has been set up for many years in the major universities, and now the graduates of this speciality are working in various sports fields.