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刷新博客缓存和看法。Refresh cache and view blog.

刷新欧洲记录。It set a new European record.

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这是用来刷新版本的NBH。This is used to flash the NBH.

叶双手清洁,并刷新。Leaves hands clean and refreshed.

他刷新了他去年的记录。He bettered his last year's record.

债券发行去年刷新纪录。Bond issuance hit a record last year.

过山车总是在不断刷新记录。Roller coasters keep breaking records.

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按R键可以刷新当前页面Refresh a web page by clicking the R key

维内拉图斯现在会正确刷新了。Veneratus the Many now spawns correctly.

9秒69的成绩刷新了他自己保持的9秒72的原纪录。His former world record was 9.72 seconds.

把电话屏幕刷新和帮你加油打气!Get Phone Screen to refresh & cheer you up!

不要取消、关闭或刷新上传中的网页。Please do not cancel or reload this webpage.

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他希望有一天能刷新世界记录。He hopes one day to surpass the world record.

仅刷新当前页时发表的评论。Only refresh current page when comments made.

在服务导航栏内刷新项目。In the Services navigator, refresh the project.

表格和矩阵的自动刷新特性Auto-refresh feature for both tables and matrices

刷新模块解压缩到内存中。D8 The Runtime module is uncompressed into memory.

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只有用户工作项使用此方式进行刷新。Only user work items are refreshed in this manner.

对一些艺术家来说,成交价刷新了纪录。For some artists, the winning bids set new records.

该函数的最后一行代码刷新表。The last line in this function refreshes the table.