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如今他已成为明日黄花。Today he is a has-been.

而太空,从某种角度说,也是明日黄花了。And space is, in some ways, old news.

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巨无霸式的石油公司或许已是明日黄花,但还不至于一夜凋零。Big Oil may be going out of style, but it is certainly not going away.

在许多欧洲人看来布什比失败者还要差劲,他如今不过是明日黄花。Mr Bush is worse than a failure in European eyes. He is yesterday's failure.

过去那种拿到地就差不多“万事搞掂”了的好日子已是明日黄花。Get on in the past almost "Everything is fixed up" the good life is something.

可笑的是,近一年来,很多人都表示,金砖四国已是明日黄花。Amusingly , in the past year many people have suggested that the Brics story is over.

这个行业已成明日黄花,而突围之道唯有倚仗周边的电子阅读器和定制的阅读服务来丰富其单一的订阅模式。Subsidized ereaders and reading services that will keep the subscription model from failing.

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它将被安置在一片明日黄花的场地中央,设计于60-80年代中期。It would be in the middle of an already not very attractive place designed in the mid 60-80s.

口攒肚存的结果是你只能抱残守缺,到头来自己也成了明日黄花。The problem with hoarding is that you end up living off your reserves. Eventually you'll become stale.

但汤臣一品的一位销售代理认为,上海是世界未来的金融之都,而不像将成明日黄花的美国纽约。But a sales agent at Tomson Riviera says this is the future financial capital of the world, not the dying one.

今天,你的心脑同步,有助于你比平日更多地吸取新知。美元已成明日黄花?Your mind is in sync with your feelings today, and thus you're apt to absorb more information than you would normally.

在另一篇小说中,机器人自动化宣布工作成为明日黄花,一个人类琢磨如何打发空闲时间。In another story, robotic automation has rendered jobs a thing of the past, and one human mulls what to do with his free time.

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当人类滞留在虚幻的、集体意识的思想领域时,最初的想法就变成了明日黄花。Original thought became a thing of the past as humanity became stuck in the illusional, collective consciousness realm of thought.

反犹主义在西方早已如明日黄花无人问津,却随着欧洲人的一整套种族理论来到了亚洲,且根植于这些人民的心中。Antisemitism arrived with a whole package of European race theories that have persisted in Asia long after they fell out of fashion in the west.

为了保护大后方的亲人朋友——同时可能也享有他们坚定不移的支持——的作战观念已经成为明日黄花。The notion of fighting to protect kith and kin on the home front—and perhaps also enjoying their undivided support—has become a thing of the past.

但房地产泡沫的破灭说明这种观念已是明日黄花,这种倾向将限制意向买家的基数,尽管房价已经低得惊人。But the collapse of the housing bubble means that thought is mostly history, which will limit the pool of willing buyers even with prices at striking low levels.

因为土地政策改革的趋势就是协议拿地的上游逐渐成为明日黄花,靠关系能人拿地终将被土地公开交易所取代。Because land policy reform trend is the agreement with the upstream gradually become something to rely on relations to be wrong with the open land exchanges replaced.

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现在,那已经是明日黄花了,日本必须重新考虑其为什么而努力,改变急躁的政府,摆脱国债在GDP中所占比例世界最高这一状态和日益严重的通货紧缩。Now that has gone and Japan must think again about what it stands for, apart from fractious government, the world's highest ratio of public debt to GDP and corrosive deflation.

尽管人们对“明日黄花”的定义不同,但是,与风投模式是否已成明日黄花的讨论已经有一段时间了。Discussions about whether or not the VC model is broken have been ongoing for some time, although arguably what constitutes "broken" might different for investors and for entrepreneurs.