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这婴儿接连几个小时地咿呀学语。The baby babbled on for hours.

婴儿在大约七个月大的时候开始咿呀学语Around seven months is babbling.

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婴儿们同时开始咿呀学语They start babbling at the same point.

他的农场里有只鸭,咿呀咿呀噢!And on his farm he had a duck , Ee I Ee I Oh!

他的农场里有只狗,咿呀咿呀噢!And on that farm he had a dog, Ee-i, ee-i, oh!

他的农场里有只鸭,咿呀咿呀噢!And on that farm he had a duck, Ee-i, ee-i, oh!

你的女婴早在会说话之前就要开始咿呀发声了。Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk.

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她开始尝试理解我们的话,和我们咿呀学语。She began to attempt to understand what we said and burble to us.

小时候,躺在妈妈的怀里,吸着甘甜的乳汁,咿呀学语。When I was a child, she lie in her mother's arms, sweet milk, once.

照看咿呀学语的孩子对治疗发无名火的毛病有奇效。Watching a toddler works wonders on learning not to loose your cool.

即使孩子还只是在咿呀学语的阶段,家长也会喜欢买非小说类的读物。Parents like to buy non-fiction, even for children still learning to read.

就像婴儿咿呀学语一样,鸣鸟通过模仿它们的前辈学会发音。Like babbling babies, songbirds learn to vocalize by mimicking their elders.

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许多咿呀学步的孩子非常挑食,而且不愿尝试新事物。Many toddlers are notoriously choosy about their foods and reticent to try new things.

只说一门语言的绝好的解说者要用另一门语言则会听上去是一个咿呀白痴。A brilliant orator who speaks only one language sounds like a babbling fool in another.

而早在婴儿咿呀学语之前,他们就已经开始学习自己母语的音调了。But long before that first burble or coo, babies are learning the elements of language.

手推车迟缓的咿呀声从街上传来,与我昏昏欲睡的心态何其吻合。The carts in the street purr slow, distinct sounds in seeming accord with my drowsiness.

当宝宝对某个事物感兴趣时,他们会皱起眉头,此时,父母应当理解咿呀的语言是孩子听觉在皱眉头。parents should understand that babble may be “an acoustic version of furrowing one's brow.

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口吃大多从孩子咿呀学语时开始,男孩比女孩更容易口吃。It typically begins in early childhood as kids are learning to speak and is more common in boys.

最后,神仙来到宝座下,国王女儿的脑海中再度出现幼时的那座花园,她像孩童一样咿呀乱语地死去。At last he is at her throne's foot and she, her mind in the garden once again, dies babbling like a child.

无论她是在发笑、咯咯作声或只是在咿呀学语,宝宝的这些喃喃细语均清楚地表明,充满活力的亲子情感已建立。Whether she's laughing, gurgling, or just babbling away, these sounds are a clear indication of a thriving bond.