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折叠好一个包装箱,并用胶带封好箱底。Set up a box & secure bottom flaps with tape.

几乎所有的外箱底部都松了。Almost all the bottom of the cases were loose.

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在箱底放入一块气泡垫,气泡面朝下。Place one piece of bubble pack, bubble facing down.

莫文蔚常在她的垃圾箱底放些小苏打粉。Karen puts baking soda in the bottom of her litter box.

他发现他的帽子在衣箱底下被压扁了。He found that his hat had been pancaked under a suitcase.

货物包装时箱底所垫海绵不够。The goods were packed without sufficient padding in the case.

对叠好适量的气泡垫放入箱底,气泡面朝外。Fold proper air cap with bubble facing outer into the bottom of the box.

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所述装配箱底部通过回油管与涂料箱连通。The bottom of the gear box is communicated with the painting box via a paining pipe.

在安迪玩具箱底部有我们非常熟悉的“小丑鱼”的贴纸。Check out the sticker at the bottom of Andy's toy chest for a very familiar clownfish.

然而,商店经理也可以有权利根据自己的判断给予“酒箱底瓶酒”降价处理。However, store managers have the right to reduce prices of 'bin-end' items at their discretion.

因此,工人将两条长角铁置于配电箱底部,方便运送。Therefore, two channels were placed underneath the switchboard to facilitate the sliding motion.

升降台升至最高时液压油面应高出油箱底40-50毫米。Lifting platform at the highest hydraulic oil tank bottom surface should be higher than 40-50 mm.

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“他们只是坐在箱底,像一群懒汉那样啃噬蔗糖”,哈科特表示。"It was just sitting on the bottom and nibbling on the sugar like a couch potato, " Hackett says.

但是后来许多外箱上都有裂纹,几乎所有的外箱底部都松了。But then there were some cracks in a number of cases. Almost all the bottom of the cases were loose.

我们搜集了一些可以让你把箱底的伏特加应用到家里各个角落的小方法。We've rounded up some unusual ways to put your bottom-shelf vodka to good use all around your house.

检查齿轮箱中的油位。将油加到开始从机油箱底部的溢流管滴出为止。Check oil level in gearbox . Add oil until oil begins dripping from over flow tube at bottom of sump.

箱底有一条毛细管直通地面,将水引导到植物的根部进行滴灌。A wick goes into the ground beneath the box, slowly dripping water to the plant's root system everyday.

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箱底有一条毛细管直通地面,将水引导到植物的根部进行滴灌。A wick goes into the ground beneath the box, slowly dripping water to the plant’s root system everyday.

被一直压在箱底,无意中找些旧的书本,不料被翻到,重新来看。Has been the pressure at the bottom of the box, I found some old books, only to be turned to, try again.

沿着木制包装箱长度方向装于箱底,起承载产品、起吊和滑动包装件作用的构件。Component for loading, lifting and sliding, which is placed on the box bottom along the length direction.