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我的意思是他们都懂金融I mean they understand it.

金融是罪恶的根源。Mfirsty is the root of evil.

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金融危机是一件。The financial crisis was one.

金融减震器就是资本。The shock absorber is capital.

是金融从业者的工资是否过高了哪?Are financial workers overpaid?

我有一个高薪的金融工作。I had a high-paying finance job.

本次全球金融风暴,滥觞于美国华尔街。THE crisis began on Wall Street.

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金融危机是一次严重挫折。The financial crisis was a jolt.

我在做金融和投资。I’m doing finance and investments.

这正是金融市场的作用。That is what financial markets do.


薄钣金融化速度非常快。Thin sheetmetal melts very quickly.

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连续时间金融。Continuous-time Finance Merton R. C.

金融“再监管”应该管到什么程度?How far should finance be re-regulated?

他们管理金融系列服务These are people who manage portfolios.

事实上,我喜欢这里的金融区。I like the financial district, actually.

为什么不而非商业及金融?Why not instead of business and finance?

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是2008年的金融危机吗?Would it be the finicial crisis of 2008?

金融创新是一把“双刃剑”。Finance Innovation is a "two-edge-blade".

很多毕业生都在金融领域工作Many of them are in the field of finance.