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一阵风把刨花吹得到处乱飞。A gust of wind fluttered the shavings wood.

刨花模压制品生产工艺的研究。Study on the process of molded particleboard products.

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货物将用细刨花包装,以防损坏。The goods will be packed in wood wool to prevent damage.

我们使用防尘松树刨花在我们的棚屋中。We use dust free pine wood shavings in our inside chambers.

为了防止货物损坏,货物将用细刨花之类的东西来填充包装箱。In order to prevent damages,the item will be packed in wood wool.

如果刨花保持干爽那么真菌的问题应该不会出现。If the shavings are kept dry then fungal problems should not occur.

不然的话,这根木头,也不会被你一藤条就抽成刨花。Otherwise, this wood, also can't steer you 1 take out into shavings.

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最好的笼内垫材是在是松树或杨木刨花木屑。The best products for in cage bedding are pine or aspen wood shavings.

当它踩在一堆刨花里时,一块长长的黑檀木的木片扎到了它的脚里。As he stepped into a pile of shavings, a long blackwood splinter pierced his foot.

总之,对撞流干燥技术是一种优良的刨花干燥方式,具有良好的应用前景。In a word, ISD is a good method of drying particle and bears a wonderful prospect.

刨花、锯末较多的车间的电效果,应加防尘罩。The workshop cause quite a lot of parings and sawdust should be protected with dustproof cover.

在1977年i交易我的金饰,开拓木材刨花,茜草根和气味的热点树脂。In 1977 I traded my goldsmith's forge for wood shavings , madder root and the smell of hot resin.

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本公司要求这批物品都要包上瓦楞纸,并装入有细刨花的木箱内。We require these articles to be wrapped up in corrugated paper and packed in wooden cases with excelsior.

空式六角型锯沫刨花地板块适用于装修室内地面,美化室内与家庭、改善人们室内生活环境。The hollow hexagonal floor block with saw powder and shavings is suitable for fitting of ground in the room.

清洁工作台和去除碎屑,灰尘,刨花或机械及周边地区的其他副属产品。Clean work stations and remove scraps, dust, shavings or other by-products from machinery and surrounding areas.

在含硫酸盐高浓度有机废水浸泡铁刨花的静态试验的基础上,进行了“铁床”处理高浓度糖厂生产废水的动态试验。The dynamic test to sugar producing wastewater with the process of"iron bed"was made on the base of static test.

国王不只是说说而已,他甚至让人做了十二副棺材,在棺材里装满刨花,还在里面放上一个小寿枕。Indeed, he had twelve coffins made. They were filled with wood shavings and each was fitted with a coffin pillow.

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刨花形态和刨花板的再循环利用性在再生刨花板的制造过程中具有重要作用。Particle form and recyclability of waste particleboard play an important role in particleboard re manufacturing process.

另一种为水泥、刨花、玻璃棉的复合板,可现场拼装,施工方便。Another of cement, wood shavings , Bolimian composite panels, the scene could be assembled, and the construction convenience.

小球燃料主要是由锯屑,刨花和处理木材和其他木头产品的树木之后而制成的。Pellet fuel is made mainly of sawdust, shavings and fines leftover after processing trees for lumber and other wood products.