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还是知足长乐?Changle or Contentment?

浅薄无聊和朴素知足的真正价值。of simplicity and contentment.

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他看起来对此很知足。He seemed happy enough with it.

你怎样才能学会知足?How do you learn to be content?

富有的人总是不知足。The rich are not always contented.

我只要怡然知足的恬静To make that calm contentment mine

人若知足,愿望全变黄金。Content turns all its wishes to gold.

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人非生而知之。世上没有知足的女人。No man is born wise. No woman is content.

不知足是进步中的第一步。discontent is the first step in progress.

人有骄贵知足时,狗有得意日。A man has his hour even a dog has his day.

理查先生,一个知足的人生活才能美满。Mr. Richard, is the sweetness of existence.

你们这些人永远不知足。You people are like nothing is ever enough.

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然而敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了。But godliness with contentment is great gain.

切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐。Do not greed windfall, one who is happy heart.

人的痛苦大多是源于不知足。Human agony mostly derives from discontentment.

求祢帮助我们,以知足的心追求敬虔。Please help me pursue godliness with contentment.

一种深深的知足和感恩心油然生起。A deep feeling of contentment and appreciation arose.

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敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了。Godliness add the content heart is the big interests.

正如便便说的一样,知足者常乐。我应该去学着珍惜身边这一切。I defy myself, I'm living in a lie, like no one else.

贪爱银子的,不因得银子知足。He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver.