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您怎样认识以上的珠宝金行?。How did you know the above jewelry shop?

而金行长则坐下来接受英国广播公司的采访解释定量宽松政策。Mr King sat for an interview with the BBC to explain quantitative easing.

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您认为周生生珠宝金行的售货员的服务态度?。How do you think the service of salesperson of Chow Seng Seng Jewelry Co Ltd?

过渡时期我们不过问储备金行吗?So how can we not be concerned about the reserves during the transition period?

但愿看到本简章的同学都能成为未来金行银楼中的老板。We hope that students who have seen the page will become the bosses of gold line in the future.

炼金行会提高城邑中火药部队的作战经验。An Alchemists' Guild house improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement.

金行长补充说现在设想量化宽松计划结束是言之过早,这一说法引起了市场进一步混乱。Mr King further confused markets by adding that it was too early to assume that the QE programme was drawing to an end.

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炼金行会总部显著提高城邑中火药部队的作战经验。The Alchemists ' Guild Headquarters greatly improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement.

记者在多家金行看到,随着金价下行,年底购买黄金饰品的消费者越来越多。The reporter saw in the number of gold, with the gold down, at the end of the year to buy gold jewelry consumers more and more.

金行长打破长时间在财政政策上的沉默,警告英国政府不要再继续增加急速上升的国家债务。Mr King broke a longstanding silence on fiscal policy to warn the British government against adding to a fast-growing national debt.

通过学习的学员加工出来的产品,不论足金、K金、铂金都能直接达到百货、金行的效果。The product made by skilled students will attain the effect of general merchandise and gold line, whether pure gold, K gold or platinum.

朋友,当您在百货金行看到那些琳琅满目,光彩照人的各款铂、K、白金镶嵌宝石、钻石首饰,是否想亲自一试怎样做出这些精美的首饰呢?Friends, do you want to try to make beautiful jewelry by yourself when you see many kinds of shining jewelry and diamond that set by platinum, white metal and K gold.

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脾土亏虚,常致肺金不足,金行亏虚,则肝木无所制,从而导致血压波动频繁,头晕、头痛反复发作。The spleen deficiency can often cause lung insufficiency, and the insufficient lung fails to restrict liver and thus the recurrence of fluctuation of blood pressure, dizziness and headache.