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这是多么深沉、多少感人肺腑的爱啊!This is how deep and how many moving love ah!

这就是俗话说的,“感人肺腑的一家团圆”吗?So this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion, eh?

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有多少个感人肺腑的故事,有多少个催人泪下的亲情。How many touching stories, the number of tear-jerking family.

这位不幸母亲感人肺腑的书信和爱的行动感动了许多读者。The mother touching love letters and the action moved many readers.

这是因为他戏剧中感人肺腑的情节和栩栩如生的人物形象。This is so because his plays have good plots and life-like characters.

那时许多感人肺腑的故事,至今深深地留在人们的记忆里。Many moving stories of that time remain deep in people's hearts to this day.

一个缠绵悱恻的爱情故事!感人肺腑!A very touching love story! After reads, lets the human be filled with emotion!

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然而,对我而言,感人肺腑又发人深省的片子最吸引我。However, as for me, I am only attracted to touching and thought- provoking films.

在四川忠县一带,则流传着一则感人肺腑的传说。A moving legend was often told around the area of Zhongxian County, Sichuan Province.

梁山伯与祝英台的故事是中国最感人肺腑的故事之一。The story of Shanbo Liang and Yingtai Zhu is one of the most affecting story of the whole Chinese culture.

因为越来越多的人被从废墟中拯救出来,越来越多的感人肺腑的故事发生了。Since more and more people have been saved from ruins , more and more heart-warming stories have been discovered.

同时文章还分析了作者溶注到这部感人肺腑的小说之中的终极关怀精神。Meanwhile, the article also analyzes how Amy Tan permeates her profound emotion of ultimate concern into the charming work.

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这是一首感人肺腑的手语歌,这首歌的歌词是这样的凄婉悲凉,而这首歌的由来与内涵更催人泪下,激人奋进。This is a heart-breaking and soul-touching song performing with finger language. The words of the song is pathetic and pitiful.

我还记得在共修上,慈济人跟大家分享自己如何与为何加入慈济,大多都是感人肺腑的故事。I remembered some of the sharing sessions, Tzu Chi people share with us how and why they joined Tzu Chi, mostly touching stories.

法兰克福汇报称它是“一本非凡、感人肺腑和令人自觉卑微的小说,也许是这个秋天最难忘的阅读体验”。The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called it "phenomenal, moving and humbling novel, perhaps the most memorable read of the autumn".

讽刺的是,在最震撼人心、最感人肺腑的希林作品中,有不少是和种族灭绝有关的杰出墓志铭。Ironically, some of the most powerful and stirring works of the Theelin were the masterpiece epitaphs that accompanied the extinction of their people.

这个国家到处充满感人肺腑的人与人之间相互帮助的故事,年轻的帮助年老的,富人扶助穷人。Hundreds of heart-warming stories-stories of people helping each other, of young helping old, of rich helping poor-unfolded in every corner of the country.

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真正感人肺腑的艺术是最贴近人类心灵的作品,这是夏加尔的艺术引起世界人民的共鸣和热爱的根本原因。The real art is the most moving closer to the human mind works, this is the art of Chagall caused the people of the world sympathy and love the root causes.

这类作品感人肺腑,往往将有激烈争论的社会问题戏剧化,尤其是那些触及家庭、妇女角色和责任的问题。They appealed to the emotions and often dramatized contentious social issues, particularly those touching the family and women's roles and responsibilities.

几十年以来,美国电影制作者成功地挖掘体育之矿,开发出一些最动人心弦、感人肺腑、激动人心、令人难忘的片子。For decades, U.S. moviemakers have successfully mined sports to produce some of the most inspiring, poignant, exciting, and memorable American movies ever made.