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“坐下,住嘴!”艾迪小姨怒吼着。"Sit down and shut up! " Aunt Addie bellowed.

用雅达丽的观点,由于那一次,令艾迪成了实质上的受害者。In Adair's view, that makes Addie no less a victim.

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由于她的好朋友艾迪陪伴在她身边,这使她对学习充满了信心。She'll have her best friend, Addie Wilson, right there by her side.

在Rational大学,我们的过程是RUP思想和ADDIE模型的一种组合。At Rational University, our process is a combination of RUP ideas and ADDIE.

其后,库辛尼奇向我讲到艾迪·布尔克的困境令他产生特别的共鸣。Kucinich later told me that Addie Polk's predicament had struck a particular chord with him.

每集打开一个尴尬的事件,发生员在她的初中生活。Each episode opens with an embarrassing incident that happens to Addie in her junior high school life.

迪尔隆担心艾迪摔倒了,需要救助,就说他知道有地方进去,而法德里告诉他试一下。Dillon, worried that Addie had fallen and needed help, said that he knew a way to get in, and Fatheree told him to try.

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指导设计师应用ADDIE模型或它的变化模型来开发满足特定目标听众需要的质量培训。IDs apply the ADDIE model or some variation of it to develop quality training that satisfies the needs of the identified target audience.

大多数指导性设计模型都是由更为通用的ADDIE模型变化而来的,该模型自1975年以来一直被以各种形式使用着。Most Instructional Design models are variations on the more general ADDIE model, which has been in use in various forms since about 1975.

与一个软件开发过程相似,ADDIE模型提供了一个通用的过程,借助该过程适当的质量训练材料可以被开发以满足任何培训需要。Similar to a software development process, the ADDIE model provides a general process by which the most appropriate set of quality training material can be developed to satisfy any training needs.