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我们对公报持异议。We disagree to the communique.

双方发表了联合公报。The two sides also issued a joint communique.

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两国还发表了联合公报。The two countries also released a joint communiqué.

会晤发表了联合新闻公报。A joint press communiqué was released after the meeting.

本公报中数据均为初步统计数。All figures in this Communiqué are preliminary statistics.

上海公报反映了当时的现实。The Shanghai Communiqué reflected the reality of its time.

一份休战的联合公报在那年6月5日发表。A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year.

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会议公包披露了新的五年经济发展计划指导意见。The communiqué unveiled guidelines for a new five-year economic plan.

公报只字不提这些问题中哪个问题取得了进展。The communique & 1 & made no mention of progress on any of the issues.

同日,中委双方发表了联合新闻公报。On the same day, China and Venezuela issued the joint press communiqué.

到了1972年春天,签订了中美上海公报。By the spring of1972, the Sino-American Shanghai Communique had been signed.

联合国秘书长在4月29日向国际新闻界发表的新闻公报中提及了此事。It is mentioned in press communiqué of 29 April by the UN Secretary-General.

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这也体现在今天我们一致通过的公报之中。And this is reflected in the communiqué that we have unanimously agreed to today.

公报还承认基期可以有所不同,但是“付出的努力必须与之相匹配”。The communique also acknowledges baselines may vary but "efforts must be comparable".

他们是在中国武汉举行的一天会议结束之后发表的一个公报里做出这些承诺的。The pledges were made in a communique at the end of a 1-day conference in Wuhan, China.

访问结束时发表了唐家璇外长访问俄罗斯联合新闻公报。A Joint Communique was released at the end of the visit by Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan.

这种怪异的信息显然和女神崇拜的情形对不上号。This bizarre communiqué obviously did not fit Langdon's scenario of goddess worship at all.

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公报表示,通过实施“十一五”规划,中国领导人“谱写了新篇章”。In carrying out the last plan, the communiqué said, China’s leaders had “composed a new epic”.

两国发表的联合公报已在各大报刊并以广播形式公布。The joint communiqué between the two countries was notified in the newspapers and over the radio.

在作战过程中,阿纳金收到了一条来自最高议长帕尔帕廷的重要通知。In the midst of this battle, Anakin received a priority communiqué from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.