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广域网链路的带宽管理Bandwidth management for WAN links

有足够的网络带宽。Have sufficient network bandwidth.

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将来就需要有更大的频宽。The more bandwidth will be required.

波段的重要性远低于带宽。Wavebands matter less than bandwidth.

他把这轨道宽度称作核壳。And that bandwidth he called the shell.

频带宽度减少了三分之二。The bandwidth was reduced by two-thirds.

有足够的带宽满足峰值的需求吗?Do I have adequate bandwidth for peak demand?

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对于无线,首先是带宽,其次是服务质量。One is bandwidth. The second is quality of service.

以数值文件的大小的最优化来保留带宽。Value file size optimization to conserve bandwidth.

而且,其他用户也可以使用节省下来的带宽。Furthermore, other users can use the saved bandwidth.

客户机和服务器之间消耗的带宽更少。Less bandwidth consumed between the client and server.

但不论哪个都会起到一定的作用,解决带宽问题。But each will do its part to solve the bandwidth problem.

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系统的剩余带宽资源被分配给UBR业务。The remaining bandwidth is allocated to the UBR services.

然而,这里的想法是减少带宽使用。However, the idea here is to reduce bandwidth utilization.

VSL连接的带宽基于对带宽需求的预测。Size the VSL link based on expected bandwidth requirement.

示波器带宽设为20兆赫兹,同轴探头。The oscilloscope bandwidth set at 20MHz with co-axial probe.

那么,带宽问题当前最好的解决方案是什么?So what is the best current solution for the bandwidth issue?

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您会在使用容量、存储和带宽时为它们付费。You pay for capacity, storage, and bandwidth as you use them.

类比式频宽以赫兹测量每秒的传送周期。Analogue bandwidth is measured in Hertz Hz, cycles per second.

在FTTX的架构中WDM-PON是增加频宽的最佳解决方案。WDM-PON is the best solution for increasing bandwidth in FTTX.