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麦醇蛋白和麦谷蛋白与沉淀值的关系十分密切。The gliadin and glutenin were closely related to sedimentation value.

这些结果与醇溶蛋白标记、RAMP分析的结果基本一致。These results were basically identical with gliadin and RAMP analysis.

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这是醇溶蛋白的组成部分是负责腹腔疾病。It is the gliadin component of gluten which is responsible for coeliac disease.

采用A-PAGE对49个优质小麦品种进行了醇溶蛋白遗传多样性检测。Gliadin variations of 49 good quality wheat cultivars were investigated by A-PAGE.

以谷朊粉为原料,提取了麦谷蛋白和麦醇溶蛋白。The extractions of glutenin and gliadin from vital wheat gluten were investigated.

玉米胚芽粉末油脂的贮藏性得以改善,麦醇溶蛋白作为微胶囊壁材是可行的。It is practical to select gliadin as the wall material in microencapsulation of oil.

总蛋白、醇溶蛋白含量与面包体积呈显著正相关。Total protein, gliadin showed a significant and positive correlation to the bread volume.

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小麦籽粒贮藏蛋白由醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白组成。The seed storage proteins in wheat consisted of wheat gliadin proteins and glutenin proteins.

在较为正常的收获期内,收获时间或轻度发芽的种子对贮藏蛋白的组成无影响。The gliadin and HMW- glutenin patterns are not affected by the seed mature grade and light germination.

醇溶蛋白和总蛋白含量随追氮比例的增加而逐步提高。The gliadin and total protein content increased with increasing of the ratio of base to topdressing nitrogen.

提高麦醇蛋白含量能影响谷朊粉蛋白可食性膜性能。This paper studies the effect on the increased gliadin content in wheat gluten protein properties of edible films.

发现,麦胶蛋白的浓度影响单宁酸与麦胶蛋白结合的方式,也影响二者的结合比例。It was found that the con-centration influences the mode and the ratio of complexation of tannic acid with gliadin.

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利用SDS-PAGE和改良的APAGE方法分析了1124份不同来源普通小麦材料的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基和麦醇溶蛋白谱带的组成。SDS-PAGE and an improved APAGE method were used to analyse the gliadin composition and HMW-glutenin subunits of 1124 wheat varieties.

以小麦粉为原料,对小麦粉中醇溶蛋白的提取条件及一些理化性质进行了研究。Taking wheat flour as raw material, the conditions for extraction of gliadin from wheat flour and some physic-chemical properties were studied.

虽然不同学者得出了正负相关的矛盾结论,但大多数的研究结果认为醇溶蛋白降低面团的稳定性。Though different scholars had severally conflicting conclusion, most of the research results showed that gliadin reduced stability of the dough.

采用A-PAGE和SDS-PAGE方法,对来自不同地方的23个抗赤霉病小麦地方品种的醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白亚基进行了分析。Using A-PAGE and SDS-PAGE methods, the gliadin and HMW-glutenin subunits of 23 local wheat varieties with high resistance to scab were analyzed.

钾肥处理下,醇溶蛋白和支连淀粉与穗粗和穗重达极显著正相关。When treated with different quantity of potassium, gliadin and amylopectin were significantly positive correlation with ear width and ear length.

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利用改进的不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,分析了洋葱不同类型品种的种子醇溶蛋白。Based on the improved techniques of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the seed gliadin of the different types of onion varieties was carried out.

比较而言,酰胺态氮素更有利于醇溶蛋白及各组分的形成与积累。Of three nitrogen fertilizer types, the amide-form nitrogen source was better to the formation and accumulation of gliadin as well as its four fractions.

结果发现,全部供试地方品种共观察到101条迁移率不同的务带,构成229种醇溶蛋白构型,每个品种醇溶蛋白条带数目为14—24。In total, 101 gliadin bands were observed in all accessions, which formed 229 gliadin patterns. The number of gliadin bands in a landrace ranged from 14 to 24.