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威洛比·帕忒恩是个无可指责的高尚的人。Willoughby Pattern is a man of unimpeachable honour.

威洛比经常提醒德·克雷,他是个正宗的诺曼底人。De Craye, as Willoughby had often reminded him, was properly Norman.

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威洛比爵士向维农和霍拉斯很不自然地献殷勤。Sir Willoughby had practiced a studied courtness upon Vernon and horace.

这艘帆船被挂到了弗吉尼亚州诺福克的一处海滩上。The boat had been brought to a beach at Willoughby Spit in Norfolk, Virginia.

“我衷心希望,”约翰爵士嚷道,“威洛比能再回到我们中间。”"I wish with all my soul, " cried Sir John, "that Willoughby were among us again.

“你想错了,埃丽诺,”她激动地说道,“你认为我不很了解威洛比。"You are mistaken, Elinor, " said she warmly, "in supposing I know very little of Willoughby.

但在一开始,她还不敢向威洛比传送秋波,因为一想起他抱她回家的情形,就觉得十分难为情。From Willoughby their expression was at first held back, by the embarrassment which the remembrance of his assistance created.

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维罗比说,“准确的次序是,等咱们决议你适不合适这份农息,再去探讨你乐意在办私室里呆多久。”Willoughby says. "Let's figure out if you're the right person for this job before we discuss how little you want to be in the office."

她们一边给他讲述玛丽安的意外遭遇,一边迫不及待地询问他是否认识艾伦汉一个姓威洛比的先生。and Marianne's accident being related to him, he was eagerly asked whether he knew any gentleman of the name of Willoughby at Allenham.

此时,奥鲁诺可遇见了故事叙述者,她和崔先生向奥鲁诺可保证只要总督为勒比到达苏利南,他一定会获得自由。At this point, Oroonoko meets the narrator. She and Trefry assure the prince that as soon as the lord-governor Willoughby arrives in Surinam he will be set free.

她答应不向母亲提起送礼的事,以免惹得她好心好意地贸然应允。她还答应下次见到威洛比时告诉他,不能收他的礼物了。and she promised not to tempt her mother to such imprudent kindness by mentioning the offer, and to tell Willoughby when she saw him next, that it must be declined.

维罗比回忆起一个应聘IT程序员岗位的人,他委婉地指出残疾人维权中心的网站有几个网页编程错误。Ms. Willoughby recalls a job candidate for anIT programmer position who gently pointed out that the Center for Disability Rights' Web site had several programming errors.

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达什伍德太太和颜悦色地笑了笑,然后说道,“我相信,我的女儿不会像你说的那样去追求威洛比先生,使他为难。"I do not believe, " said Mrs. Dashwood, with a good humoured smile, "that Mr. Willoughby will be incommoded by the attempts of either of MY daughters towards what you call CATCHING him.